FMAT: Question about Inosanto Kali

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Question about Inosanto Kali
By jayMa - Sat, 16 Jun 2007 22:37:42 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I have a question about Inosanto Kali. On other forums when I read a post about Inosanto Kali it's not always positive. Not all the post just a few and it made me question why? Is it jealousy or something else? Do people have an issue with Inosanto his system or both? I would like to know what people really think!



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It's mostly jealousy. The Filipino, Indonesian and a number of other martial arts wouldn't even be on the map if it weren't for Guro Inosanto, and a lot of people resent that and believe they can improve their own reputations by tearing the man down. If there were a corner of their souls that wasn't filled with ego they'd be down on their freaking knees thanking him for being what he is and doing what he's done.

Not everyone he's taught has been a great teacher. When you've passed stuff onto that many people a few of them won't be absolutely top flight. But the system in all of its incarnations is absolutely sound. The curriculum is extremely well developed and comes with excellent teaching progressions. It's true that he's emphasized mercy and control more than cutting people's guts out. As far as I'm concerned that's great. If you do Inosanto-LaCoste blend you'll be able to do those things when it's necessary. Homicide just won't be your first reaction.
GM Inosanto is the main reason that FMA is at the fore front of martial arts today. He has over the years blended in things that work for himself and for others.That is the road that Bruce Lee took use what is useful. FMA is already a MMA, so the ability to adapt new concepts into it is not that surprising. I have all the respect for both GM Inosanto and GM Richard Bustillo and all they have done for FMA.
On other forums when I read a post about Inosanto Kali it's not always positive

Are these comments not on a positive note about the man or the way he teaches certain techniques?
If about the man then I hope the person making them knows him personally not just by reading something.
If they are about the techniques I hope those posters can say why the do not like the way something is done and/or why it is the incorrect way of doing something.
The man has done much to keep the FMA in the forefront of the martial arts world. He has been a positive influence on many and has given the martial arts, as a whole, a positive image