FMAT: Learning Inosanto Kali?

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Learning Inosanto Kali?
By NJMMADude - 03-26-2010 10:48 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I had a question for those who may have been in the situation that I am in now. I have been a student of FMA for a few years. Back in the 90's I trained in JKD and learned some of the Inosanto system. I really enjoyed learning it and am interested in learning more about it. Right now the economy has me in a tight spot so I already have a full plate with the tuition at my current school, so I can't pursue formal instruction at this time. I have a few questions:

1. I am confident that I have partners to train with and a good background in FMA. Can anyone recommend any good dvd sets that somewhat comprehensively teach the Inosanto/Lacoste system?

2. In about a year, I expect to be certified to teach my current system. Some time after that, I would like to also pursue certification in the Inosanto/Lacoste system. I live all the way across the US. Has anyone learned from videotapes and live training partners enough to even bring up the conversation with Guro Dan about pursuing any form of basic certification in his system?

Thank you for any help that you can give me, and good training to you!


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