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PTK Doctrine of Perfection
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 05 Oct 2007 18:44:51 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
We often hear the statement " No one is Perfect" Yes , this is true most probably in our thinking, in our daily activities, in our religious efforts, in our relationship with our wife or girlfriend or boyfriend or sometime in our illusions but there is one Perfection that you cannot commit a mistake. The greatest mistakes of all if you don't how to save your life, your family and your country. What are we in martial arts after all. do we train because we want to embrace the Japanese karate, juijitusi, aikido or kendo or others , or do we learn Koreans art because we want to fly high and be at the top of the buildings or we try to toughened our tongue eating korean kimchi or we try to be Chinese and learn all the Kungfu styles or broad sword so that we can be like Bruce Lee or Jet Li or we want to be flying among the bamboo trees and start cutting them. Or we learn Indonesian silat because we want to be alike a monyet or monkey or bangaw puti-white crane or mandi muda so that can have all the silats in one system or we want to be in Kapoira and learn how the African slaves were able to use their dancing feet useful in all their fights against the British and the French or we want to be an Indian kailaprayat who raised their legs up high and kick like an ostrich or use the dance as a pretext to simulate the dance of death or we want to be real American who wants to learn everything and put it all in one basket calling " mixed of all the mixtuures" so that it can be called " Mixed Sports or above trying to do what is the best in reality for sports combat.
All what is in the above are all excellent way to learn , they are as good as it is to the others as others can be as good to each other.
What makes the big difference of the FMA compared to the above is the fact that the Discipline as instituted by the old men of kali in the Philippines is the art how to be perfect. For example, the practice of filipino healing, the healer will start to feel your pulse or the art of Pulsation, once he detects short of pulse beats either advanced or off time , he can detect which part of the body is defected and there he put his fingers to test if it is tender or there is a great pain felt in that particular area. If a one year old baby is hurt without asking the baby where is the pain , by feeling the pulse he can detect and pinpoint which part of the body has a pinched nerve or dislocated arms or shoulders or broken ribs or twisted neck very common among children. There is no allowance for mistake, a mistake in touching a wrong parts will create more problems to the child that is suffering.Since a kali man is also a healing man, his practices in terms of using the Bolo, spears, ancient knives , hands or feet must be exactly perfect as they way he touch the young child who is still learning how to talk. This is the very reason why Pekiti-Tirsia continue to maintain the old traditional. indigenous, cultured art because deviating from what has been perfected will cause wrong influence and wrong solutions, wrong education to the people who wants to learn how to save their lives in this criminal world.We maintain the
To be in the Faculty In the Institute of PERFECTION, these are the requirements:
A. Be a part of the Filipino Culture, visit the Philippines and experienced the beauty and splendor of the Islands that made the famous Conquestador Ferdinand Magellan remembered as the first Spanish circumnavigator of the world that gave his life for the Glory of the King of Spain , King Philip who declared that the 7, 169 Islands will be called in his name Philip-pines later the Americans called it Philippines.
B. Visit the Philippines and enjoy the best food made by the virgin hands of beautiful filipina whose love is unlimited, that extend respect to his love one care and concern to all his or her families, and share the sweetness of Hospitality and for every word that comes out from the lips of a beautiful filipina is respect as "HO and PO" no other languages in the world that starts with respect and ends with respect only in a filipino culture.. Have a Filipina beauty be your mentor in learning the Tagalog as the Mormon Elders studied so fast within two years. The Tagalog or Ilongo language is easy to learn as learning Pekiti-Tirsia an easy way to learn the art of Perfection.
C. Visit the Philippines and learn how to associate nature as a part of your training as it was in the days of old, the kali warriors practiced in the rice fields in the jungles, in the rivers, into the ocean, on top of the mountains. Enjoy the freshness of the sweet smelling flowers that as sweet as the perfume of the Queen of Sheba. Enjoy the best of the Islands where it offers its shallow green sea water ideal to cleanse your body with all the dirt of winter and the sweat of summer.
D. Enjoy and dine with our beautiful filipinas over a hand made food " Chicken Adobo, sinigang fish and the freshness of the organic vegetables incomparably lemon sweetened and with all the species of life.If your body starts to give in because of fatigue and tiresome feet let the beauty of the hands touch your body with gentleness of motions that alone is more than enough to heal your trembling muscles that will lead you to rest.
E. Enjoy the cross training program with our Force Recon Marines and the Special action force commandos and all other special units that trains as Counter terrorist training all Active Counter Measures a program of instruction by the Pekiti-Tirsia Survival School in the Philippines, that only Pekiti-Tirsia is allowed to involve non-military and non-law enforcement people , an opportunity that is offered to all students of Pekiti-tirsia worldwide.
D. That in the course of time and more time coming to the Philippines, the true cultured person fashioned by his desire to be the best martial artist in the world is achieved and can be proud to say I have perfected what I dreamed and I am now a perfect warrior with all my perfect desire with perfect slashes, perfect thrust and perfect cutting prowess then I can say, " GIVE ME A PLACE WHERE TO STAND AND I WILL MOVE THE EARTH"
E. The Art of Perfection is the Doctrine of Perfection, when in BATTLE you aim for the neck it must exactly get into the neck without mistake, if you aim for the hand it must get into the hands , if you aim for the heart take the heart and pull it out from the rib cage and catch it and wrap it with your handkerchief and put it in the cooler for your achives, or for great satisfaction aim for the eye bulls and if the point of the bolo reach the eye bulls snap the tip and once the eye bulls flys into the space try to catch it and open your mouth and shallow it , this is the art of perfection , a perfect catch in time of battle. The satisfaction of being perfect is the art of creation. this is the only way we can say that we are created by the Divine Perfection.
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 05 Oct 2007 18:44:51 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
We often hear the statement " No one is Perfect" Yes , this is true most probably in our thinking, in our daily activities, in our religious efforts, in our relationship with our wife or girlfriend or boyfriend or sometime in our illusions but there is one Perfection that you cannot commit a mistake. The greatest mistakes of all if you don't how to save your life, your family and your country. What are we in martial arts after all. do we train because we want to embrace the Japanese karate, juijitusi, aikido or kendo or others , or do we learn Koreans art because we want to fly high and be at the top of the buildings or we try to toughened our tongue eating korean kimchi or we try to be Chinese and learn all the Kungfu styles or broad sword so that we can be like Bruce Lee or Jet Li or we want to be flying among the bamboo trees and start cutting them. Or we learn Indonesian silat because we want to be alike a monyet or monkey or bangaw puti-white crane or mandi muda so that can have all the silats in one system or we want to be in Kapoira and learn how the African slaves were able to use their dancing feet useful in all their fights against the British and the French or we want to be an Indian kailaprayat who raised their legs up high and kick like an ostrich or use the dance as a pretext to simulate the dance of death or we want to be real American who wants to learn everything and put it all in one basket calling " mixed of all the mixtuures" so that it can be called " Mixed Sports or above trying to do what is the best in reality for sports combat.
All what is in the above are all excellent way to learn , they are as good as it is to the others as others can be as good to each other.
What makes the big difference of the FMA compared to the above is the fact that the Discipline as instituted by the old men of kali in the Philippines is the art how to be perfect. For example, the practice of filipino healing, the healer will start to feel your pulse or the art of Pulsation, once he detects short of pulse beats either advanced or off time , he can detect which part of the body is defected and there he put his fingers to test if it is tender or there is a great pain felt in that particular area. If a one year old baby is hurt without asking the baby where is the pain , by feeling the pulse he can detect and pinpoint which part of the body has a pinched nerve or dislocated arms or shoulders or broken ribs or twisted neck very common among children. There is no allowance for mistake, a mistake in touching a wrong parts will create more problems to the child that is suffering.Since a kali man is also a healing man, his practices in terms of using the Bolo, spears, ancient knives , hands or feet must be exactly perfect as they way he touch the young child who is still learning how to talk. This is the very reason why Pekiti-Tirsia continue to maintain the old traditional. indigenous, cultured art because deviating from what has been perfected will cause wrong influence and wrong solutions, wrong education to the people who wants to learn how to save their lives in this criminal world.We maintain the
To be in the Faculty In the Institute of PERFECTION, these are the requirements:
A. Be a part of the Filipino Culture, visit the Philippines and experienced the beauty and splendor of the Islands that made the famous Conquestador Ferdinand Magellan remembered as the first Spanish circumnavigator of the world that gave his life for the Glory of the King of Spain , King Philip who declared that the 7, 169 Islands will be called in his name Philip-pines later the Americans called it Philippines.
B. Visit the Philippines and enjoy the best food made by the virgin hands of beautiful filipina whose love is unlimited, that extend respect to his love one care and concern to all his or her families, and share the sweetness of Hospitality and for every word that comes out from the lips of a beautiful filipina is respect as "HO and PO" no other languages in the world that starts with respect and ends with respect only in a filipino culture.. Have a Filipina beauty be your mentor in learning the Tagalog as the Mormon Elders studied so fast within two years. The Tagalog or Ilongo language is easy to learn as learning Pekiti-Tirsia an easy way to learn the art of Perfection.
C. Visit the Philippines and learn how to associate nature as a part of your training as it was in the days of old, the kali warriors practiced in the rice fields in the jungles, in the rivers, into the ocean, on top of the mountains. Enjoy the freshness of the sweet smelling flowers that as sweet as the perfume of the Queen of Sheba. Enjoy the best of the Islands where it offers its shallow green sea water ideal to cleanse your body with all the dirt of winter and the sweat of summer.
D. Enjoy and dine with our beautiful filipinas over a hand made food " Chicken Adobo, sinigang fish and the freshness of the organic vegetables incomparably lemon sweetened and with all the species of life.If your body starts to give in because of fatigue and tiresome feet let the beauty of the hands touch your body with gentleness of motions that alone is more than enough to heal your trembling muscles that will lead you to rest.
E. Enjoy the cross training program with our Force Recon Marines and the Special action force commandos and all other special units that trains as Counter terrorist training all Active Counter Measures a program of instruction by the Pekiti-Tirsia Survival School in the Philippines, that only Pekiti-Tirsia is allowed to involve non-military and non-law enforcement people , an opportunity that is offered to all students of Pekiti-tirsia worldwide.
D. That in the course of time and more time coming to the Philippines, the true cultured person fashioned by his desire to be the best martial artist in the world is achieved and can be proud to say I have perfected what I dreamed and I am now a perfect warrior with all my perfect desire with perfect slashes, perfect thrust and perfect cutting prowess then I can say, " GIVE ME A PLACE WHERE TO STAND AND I WILL MOVE THE EARTH"
E. The Art of Perfection is the Doctrine of Perfection, when in BATTLE you aim for the neck it must exactly get into the neck without mistake, if you aim for the hand it must get into the hands , if you aim for the heart take the heart and pull it out from the rib cage and catch it and wrap it with your handkerchief and put it in the cooler for your achives, or for great satisfaction aim for the eye bulls and if the point of the bolo reach the eye bulls snap the tip and once the eye bulls flys into the space try to catch it and open your mouth and shallow it , this is the art of perfection , a perfect catch in time of battle. The satisfaction of being perfect is the art of creation. this is the only way we can say that we are created by the Divine Perfection.
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