FMAT: Issue on PTK vs DKT

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Issue on PTK vs DKT
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:18:38 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


It is good guys that you brought this issue on PTK and DKT.Right Intelligence will tell everyone that from the 70;s starting in New York City all what have presented to the martial Arts community and to the Jewish Karate Federation , United States Karate Association International and the United States Karate Federation was the name Pekiti-Tirsia and the 1979 first tournament in the Philippines that was held in Cebu was Pekiti-Tirsia who won the grandchampionship. The Caliber Press that produced the Surviving Edged Weapons recognized Pekiti-Tirsia, the joint military exercises between the US Marines and the Philippine Marines called Balikatan recognized the existence of the Pekiti-Tirsia technology, the Philippine Marine Corps a strength of 10,000 Philippines Marines accepted the Pekiti-Tirsia as the official Edged Impact weapon Tactical Combat course within the MCTC training program, the Philippine National Police , Special Action Force Commandos accepted the Pekiti-Tirsia System as the official Defensive Tactics training course of the PNP and now the Philippine Army Ranger Battalion are engage in the joint training program with the Force Recon Marines.

The Austrian Cobra Commandos and the Austrian Military Commandos have now adopted the Pekiti-Tirsia as th e official training program exclusive for the Police and the military organization of the Austrian Government.

The System is respected by the Government and reputable organization because the System is Intelligently design to the present situations in combatting all forms of crimes. Pekiti=Tirsia is a pure system a real True Tortal's family system except Nene Tortal who tells people a wrong informations claiming that it is a Tortal system. He is an Iglesia in Kristo supposed to be a devouted member of this church why he has to tell lies, he should live to the standard of his religion. I will never stop protecting the Tortal family system because no other Tortals was given the sole power to propogate and teach the PTK except me and me alone Leo Tortal Gaje, jr. and with me is Rommel Tortal , the son of the brother of Nene Tortal, the father is Meleccio Tortal who can anyone who comes to Talisay the truth about Pekiti-Tirsia and the manufactured Dekiti-Tirsia.
Those who are reading this be sure that you must have to research what is Pekiti-Tirsia not knowing the history don't take sides./ How can Dekiti-Tirsia a Tortal's system , Nene Tortal doing a sword disarming. The Tortal System, Pekiti-Tirsia donot disarm the sword , Pekiti-Tirsia removed the arm for true disarming. Dekiti-Tirsia is more on disarming just like the escrima and Arnis,not the true kali.

Dekiti-Tirsia is not a system , no Philosophy , no logic ,.no reasons, no ideology, no cultural insights, no traditions. All presentations in terms of technical structure cannot even qualify for first year high school section 44

Those who are in Dekiti=Tirsia we invite you to the open tournament on full contact in Manila on June 15,2008 including all Masters of Dekiti and GRandmaster for a test who has the right system , full contact no rules no judges, no time limit surrender policy. This is the real test to judged who has the right system. This is not a challenge this a an old traditional cultural sports in the Philippines.

Interested just email Mandala Rommel Tortal , his email address is or email me grandtuhon we can set the place and the time for a good entertainment.

This a sport of the old times and this is not a challenge. We don't challenge we check the balance.Gt Gaje


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