FMAT: My Rank is my Loyalty My title is my skill

Clark Kent

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My Rank is my Loyalty My title is my skill
By - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 22:40:41 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


In Pekiti-Tirsia title is hard to achieve is not by the years or how much techniques you mastered, it is your Loyalty and your skill that counts. I have been in Pekiti-Tirsia since the early 70's up the present time. I have to take the train from Montreal to New York City to join the first pioneering group of Pekiti-Tirsia guys. I saw and I determined to learn as it was in the beginning. Rain , snow and sunshine I was in New York City. I participated in almost major activities that Grandtuhon Gaje had sponsored. I was a major player in most full contact stick fighting held in the US. It was Grandtuhon Gaje that started the first full contact stickfighting in the US, He was the first to introduce the Surviving Edged Weapon program for the Criminal Justice system in the US. He was the first to open the Balisong techiques featured in the Inside Kungfu as the cover page. He was the first to have the Playboy International at Great Gorge New jersey joint by the Jewish Karate Association under Sensei Alex Steinberg. He was the first to put up a full contact Kali tournament at the GRand Opry ( Country Music hall of Fame at Nashville, Tennesse 1988, He was the first Filipino to be accepted by the International Karate Association under GRandmasters TRias and the United States Karate Federation under the Presidency of George Anderson. Grand Tuhon Gaje is recognized worldwide as the authority in Edged Impact Weapon strategy and Tactics.GRandtuhon GAje is the first to be accepted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines to teach the Philippine Marine Corps and the PNP ( National Police) . Pekiti-Tirsia kali the only system that became the official school of the Philippine Marine Corps under the program ( Pekiti-tirsia Cadre Course). Pekiti-Tirsia as the official training program of the Philippine Public Safety College ,National Police Academy , Philippine National Police Academy.

In the Special Operations: The Philippine Military War College had recognized the usefulness of Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System as practiced by the Marines and the expansion program for all military branch of services.

In the Philippine National Police Special Action Force Commandos, Pekiti-Tirsia served its usefulness in many actions in Mindanao and campaign against the NPA in many Islands in the Philippines.

The Austrain Cobra Commandos had made Pekiti-Tirsia kali as the official training School included in their curriculum under the Edged Impact WEapon Tactical Comlbat course.

The Balikatan joint US Marines and the Philippines , the Philippine Marines contribution to the the Balikatan Exercises is the Edged Impact WEapon Tactical Combat and the Jungle Survival Training. While the US Marines contributed the newest technology in killing the enemy over the hills.

My factual experiences in pekiti-tirsia kali had made my teaching skill more enhanced in terms of strategy even during the juijitsui ground matches , Muy Thai and other contact sports that is present in my school here in Montreal. www. or GAMMA ACADEMIE D'ARTS MARTIAUX CULTURELLE GELILNAS 514 281 9928.

One piece of advice full contact kali stickfighting is technically helpful to my contact sports competition. More on the teachings of GT. Gaje as the blade and knife are the principal instrument of victory.

My experiences with the Dogbrothers in full contact taught a great advantage, never feel like losing always a winner. That is the spirit in the real filipino culture. So my rank is my loyalty and my title is my skill.


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