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freedom of speech-freedom of the blade
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:35:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
As I understand FMATalk is titled for Talk meaning to say , a talk can be favorable or unfavorable. If fmatalk is for reporting about a style , seminars, activities or just like reporting to the public about Master so and so and Chief so and so or a title for so and so.then tell us what is FMA talk is all about.
If FMATALK is constructed only for talking without the benefit of discussion, a discussion that sometimes carried to the point of argumentation, then what is the use of the Talk if there is nothing challenging on certain subject.
If the presence of Pekiti-tirsia in the FMATALk inconvient the non-pekiti-tirsia for not understanding on what is written or make some people feel uncomfortable, then we cannot push ourselves to stay if we are unwanted,
If our contribution harms the FMATALK then we expect the readers to tell us that our subjects is not good for public comsumption.
Since the Pekiti-tirsia discipline is combative we cannot sit down to recieve discomforting comments but to recounter in a diplomatic way which to me if there is negative reaction on our materials that is a healthy atmosphere for the mind to work, it sharpens every veins in the brain,
Discussion is discussion , arguments are arguments, stories are stories any of the three are good materials not only for the kids but most specially the adults/.
------------------------------------ Post Bot - FMA Feed
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:35:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
As I understand FMATalk is titled for Talk meaning to say , a talk can be favorable or unfavorable. If fmatalk is for reporting about a style , seminars, activities or just like reporting to the public about Master so and so and Chief so and so or a title for so and so.then tell us what is FMA talk is all about.
If FMATALK is constructed only for talking without the benefit of discussion, a discussion that sometimes carried to the point of argumentation, then what is the use of the Talk if there is nothing challenging on certain subject.
If the presence of Pekiti-tirsia in the FMATALk inconvient the non-pekiti-tirsia for not understanding on what is written or make some people feel uncomfortable, then we cannot push ourselves to stay if we are unwanted,
If our contribution harms the FMATALK then we expect the readers to tell us that our subjects is not good for public comsumption.
Since the Pekiti-tirsia discipline is combative we cannot sit down to recieve discomforting comments but to recounter in a diplomatic way which to me if there is negative reaction on our materials that is a healthy atmosphere for the mind to work, it sharpens every veins in the brain,
Discussion is discussion , arguments are arguments, stories are stories any of the three are good materials not only for the kids but most specially the adults/.
------------------------------------ Post Bot - FMA Feed