FMAT: Pekiti-Tirsia Pitbull Brotherhood of the Blade

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Pekiti-Tirsia Pitbull Brotherhood of the Blade
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Sun, 12 Aug 2007 06:24:30 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


The gathering of the Pekiti-Tirsia Pitbull Brotherhood of the Blade was in Michigan( Houghton Lake Michigan ) in the lake property of Basam, a pharmacist but devoted practicioner of the Pekiti-Tirsia Maphilindo Detroit.

The Gathering was attended by the PTK Pitbulls Saschatchewan under the leadership of Jay and Leon Saludo, PTK Pitbulls Rochester, New York leadership of Douglas Marcaida,PTK Pitbulls Maphilindo Detroit , leadership of Jeff Davidson, PTK Pitbulls Florida leadership of Dino Martinez, PTK Pitbulls Manila , Rommel Tortal

The gathering of the chosen PTK Pitbulls fighters provide an opportunity to learn the Advanced Dumpag and the advanced Knife Dagaso Tirsia and Qol Demama Dagga ( knife combat) Advanced Tri-V formula.

The special declaration of the celebration was highlighted in the Boom fire ceremony held in the night of August 12, 2007 where the awards were presented and the demos on ginunting, knives, sticks and open hand entertained everyone.

The strength of the Brotherhood was extended to new members and an increasing number of PTK student added to the main Brotherhood will cover the major cities in the US.


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