This is a no-win situation. To find someone higher than 6th degree in Modern Arnis one pretty much has to go to the Phil. But back there the form of Modern Arnis they're doing is at the least a different 'dialect' and nearly qualifies as a different art--the Prof. changed it so much here in the U.S. So, looking within the art is tough--esp. when you consider that Mr. Hartman is one of the datus of the art, which was supposed to be a sign of leadership within the art that was in some sense 'beyond' rank.
We all win or better yet learn from the contributions. Let me state my points again. I said that peers (of equal level) along with seniors are the only individual's that are qualified to make the assessment. Now, would I be correct to use the analogy of the JKD community wherein there is original JKD and JKD Concepts? In other words, the evolution of present day MA is a result of the many influences and resources availble to Remy? If this is the case, then yes...the players back home, peers or seniors would not count.
Dr. Gyi was close to the Prof. and was explicitly asked by the Prof. to help the Prof.'s students. Mr. Jornales is a Modern Arnis datu and a FMA grandmaster. Their endorsement seems relevant to me.
I never questioned Bong's endorsement. However, I do question the validity of Dr. Gyi's involvement on ranking. I am aware of his ties to Remy but is he knowledgeable or skilled enough in present day MA or FMA in general or is his support more for a character reference?
But the promotion is from the board. This is the Kenpo model, which again seems rather relevant to me--several Kenpoka were promoted in this manner...
Let's not dwell on the ranking "practices" of Karate, Kenpo or whater else as they simply do pertain to Arnis / Eskrima. To use them as a guide or model does not validate anything.
Add to that this quote from Mark Wiley's book, Filipino Martial Arts Cabales Serrada Escrima, "Filipinos are a proud people, especially in the realm of personal combat. It is a rare practice for one Escrima master to acknowledge the skill of another, let alone speak of him with a tone of respect." Neither of had been to the Philippines so going there was not a realistic option.
I agree, Filipinos are proud. However, I disagree with Mark's comments. Although there is some "friendly animosity", there is plenty of camaraderie back home. Back in 97', Master Galang visited the PI with several students. Along with Master Ricketts, he arranged for the students to meet & train with several GM's; GM Jose Mena of Doblete Rapillon, GM Nene Tortal of Tirada-Tirsia and GM Ben Lema of Lightning Scientific. The plans with GM Lema fell through but all went well with GM Mena & GM Tortal. There are many more instances where friendship and respect outweigh arrogance.
So, my final question is, will this rank be recognized by non-WMAA practitioners???