flying ide kick question


Green Belt
Just a quick question re: flying side kick. Say that I'm doing a right leg side kick, do i push off on my left foot, and then turn my hips and extend my kick?
We practice these once in a blue moon, and I am never good at this.. Thanks!

also, how about flying turn back kick? Thanks in advance!
I would start left side forward pushing off of the left foot.

A flying turning back kick?
I have never done one.
I don't think I know what a flying turn back kick is either. Is there another name for it that you know of?
I'm kinda thinkin' that maybe you might have to take some type of running, jumping leap then execute a jump spin back kick :idunno: but that's just a W.A.G.
Flying sidekick. Starting left leg forward, do one two three running steps and on the fourth, plant your foot as far facing back, its a bit of a twist on the knee but if you get your hip around its better(facing toward the place where you started) bending your leg slightly then, jumping up, hip to target, heel out and snap. It does take a feel to it after alot of practice.

I had to do that for 1st dan, 3 boards But I had a bad left knee that didn't like twisting and my better kicking leg was my right so I had to jump off my bad knee. So I devised a way to run at the boards on a diagonal so my twist, jump wasn't so severe. Hope that helps. TW
jfarnsworth said:
I'm kinda thinkin' that maybe you might have to take some type of running, jumping leap then execute a jump spin back kick :idunno: but that's just a W.A.G.

What I'm thinking is a jumping back side kick wherein the rear (right) foot comes up to the front, the kicker then turns counterclockwise and pushes off with the left foot. As the kicker continues to spin he executes the kick in mid-air or just as his foot touches the ground.

One can do this with a prepatory run, pushing off as the left foot hits the floor.


I thought this was a common kick in Taekwondo. The left leg plant and jump happen first with the knee brought up to snap out with the right. TW
Oh, this is not that difficult to imagine. How about a jump side kick? You are facing away from the target, you bring your left leg up and the right extends out into the side kick. Now this time, jump up on that left leg and extend out with the side kick at the same time. Next run at it just a few steps to build more power and speed, get your foot planted right jump up and side kick. But for the most power, form and correct heel angle in that right kicking leg, the left leg should be pointing back away from the target.

My master can do that with a couple of steps. This is also a 2nd dan breaking technique for test but we have to have two feet in the on each board one chest level and one head level. I passed on that...I don't have that much spring. At tournaments this is done over chairs, like 3 or over 3 people bending over on all fours so to stay in the air and have the momentum is the most important for that. That's why its a "flying" sidekick.

Flying turn back--I haven't heard that terminology. A 360 jump side kick in the air though. Turning torward the front, jumping off the right foot and turning 360 and doing a jump back kick in the air. You could also step at that, the 360 would stop the forward momentum but it would adjust the distance. TW
Dear All,

First, most dojangs define a "flying technique" as one that clears space and distance.

A Flying Spinning Back Kick (more commonly called a Mid-Air Kick) would generally be seen in one of two forms. First, think of an opponent just out of kicking distance. Now, you lunge forward and execute a 360 degree spinning back kick (Jump off lead left leg, spin, kick with left leg). Secondly this can be used as a follow up (in combination) with a flying side kick. Right leg flying side kick, "mid air" left leg spinning back kick while still "flying" forward!

Jumping side kick:

Face sideways to your opponent. In other words, your partner is on your left or right side. With minimal leg bending, spring up with both feet and tuck your legs into your stomach. Quickly shoot your left or right foot out in a side kick. Your other leg can remain tucked in or dangle. The faster you jump, the higher you will go. The higher you go, the more time you have to do the kick, which must still be fast. The standing jumping side kick is used defensively. If you cannot do a standing kick well, do not do jumping kicks. You will lose your balance, fall, and hurt yourself.

Flying Side kick:

From a fighting stance, advance forward several steps. Walk first, then speed into a run, lengthening your steps. Plant your left foot onto the floor, pushing your body into the air. As you jump, torque your body over sideways, cocking your right leg into your stomach. As you shoot the right leg into a side kick, tuck your left leg under your body. The longer and faster your step, the more distance you cover. The faster you push yourself into the air, the higher you go. This kick is primarily offensive, designed to cover distance, jump over obstacles, gain height etc. Same rule applies: Get your basics down first.