Flame Posts from "Death Penalty DNA testing" thread

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Senior Master
Dec 19, 2004
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shesulsa said:
But your family might care - your children, your spouse .... And what is their justice when someone else out there is calling you guilty for a crime you didn't commit and complaining that they are being soft on you?

I guess that lighting bolt is pretty powerful ****, eh? But then, that's beside the point.
Like I said, the odd's of getting hit and killed by a meteor are greater than getting executed for a crime you didn't commit. So your efforts are being misspent. As for my children and spouse, are you suggesting they'd be much happier if I was killed by a careless driver? I doubt it.

By the way, lightening bolts are pretty powerful....and they kill more people a year than we execute murderers.

shesulsa said:
Tell me, do you do anything else on this site besides argue your narrow-minded points in the Study?
I'm not sure why you're angry, I never made this a personal attack against you. I merely pointed out that nobody has shown me one innocent person being executed in the US in the last 30 years. You've built an argument around the possibility, and I merely pointed out that the possible, though it exists, is far from likely.

Really, as a senior moderator, you should set a better example, than to allow yourself to turn a civil conversation, in to an ad-hominem flame war. If this conversation is getting you that angry, i'll simply cease discussing it with you as to avoid further problems.

At any rate, it's turned in to a discussion about me and you, and not the original topic, and i'm sure nobody is particularly interested in that.

Again, if i've in anyway done something to offend you, please accept my humble apologies.

Good day to you, Madam.
sgtmac_46 said:
Really, as a senior moderator, you should set a better example, than to allow yourself to turn a civil conversation, in to an ad-hominem flame war. If this conversation is getting to you that angry, i'll simply cease discussing it with you as to avoid further problems.
Really, as a seemingly and somewhat intelligent man, you really should stop trying to belittle people. And as a prolific poster on this site, you really should set a better example and divvy up your posts to other forums, be a bit kinder to others, and do something to support the site. I volunteer. What do you do?

And I am far from angry ... are you angry?
sgtmac_46 said:
Really, as a senior moderator, you should set a better example, than to allow yourself to turn a civil conversation, in to an ad-hominem flame war. If this conversation is getting you that angry, i'll simply cease discussing it with you as to avoid further problems.

At any rate, it's turned in to a discussion about me and you, and not the original topic, and i'm sure nobody is particularly interested in that.

Again, if i've in anyway done something to offend you, please accept my humble apologies.

Good day to you, Madam.

I haven't really followed this thread, but I must say that Shesulsa is a GREAT moderator and a valuable contributor to Martial Talk. She, and the other volunteers here, have made this site what it is so that folks like you and I have a place to post.
shesulsa said:
Tell me, do you do anything else on this site besides argue your narrow-minded points in the Study?

Ummm...looking at recent posts made by you, I think this criticism can be applied to more than just one individual (though I agree that it would be nice to see sgtmac_46 occasionally post on the subject of martial arts). When was the last time you made a post that betrayed any knowledge of the martial arts? Yes, you "divvy up your posts to other forums," but the resulting posts are typically devoid of martial arts content, so I don't see the benefit...to the contrary, keeping such contained in the General Talk area seems beneficial to me.

shesulsa said:
Really, as a seemingly and somewhat intelligent man, you really should stop trying to belittle people.

To call a person narrow-minded, then belittle him for allegedly belittling others, is as hypocritical as your taking someone to task for not posting about martial arts on what is alleged to be a martial arts discussion board.

I notice that Jonathan Randall has wisely brought us back on-topic for MartialTalk by shifting the discussion to your reputation, though.

Firstly, I should not be addressing members directly in this fashion and I have - and I'm sure I will pay for it just as any other user would, and I will take that responsibility.

I'm also going to acknowledge, in advance, that this is off-topic and exactly what I was NOT going to do anymore, however, you, Arnisador, have called me out and I must reply.

Granted, I do not post much revealing my martial knowledge because I come here to learn a little, share a little, and have some fun. I do just that. I volunteer for the board because I believe in its purpose, Bob's dream of a like-minded community dropping the politics and the rank and just sharing, talking, trading ideas, stepping things up to a higher level in the martial arts world. Volunteering is, in my mind, the very least I can do, so I endeavor to do it well and with passion.

Now, my argument with sgtmac has nothing to do with you. However, you might understand that sometimes when people need to see their behavior, they need to feel the effects of such. Not a popular sometimes and ineffective way of dealing with people, but ... there it is. Sgtmac added his apology to his post after I responded with my last post and, as far as I'm concerned, the argument is over - you do not need to perpetuate it. And I will not perpetuate it by picking your post apart and turning your own words on you as you have me because - again - this is not about you.

If you have a problem with the reputation system or what Jonathan Randall said, I think, as a former administrator here, that you are aware of what you can do about it and whom you can talk to regarding such. Jonathan Randall is FAR too kind to me in my opinion, as this board is the result of not only its posters, but the fine people I get to work with as well. And if you don't like my post ... ding me or report me or PM me. I can take it.

Thanks for your concern.
If you dont like the politics and the partisan debate then I wouldnt visit the Study too often.
Bottom line:
This isn't the type of personal attacks we want here. A continuation of this will not be tolerated.

These posts now moved to TGD and thread locked.
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