I'm having trouble picking your actual points out, as you seem to be going in every direction at once.Then "for the record", "They are haughty and elitist, and cling to their status as "science" to give themselves the authority to determine the true and false of anything and everything, often whilst borrowing the opinion of other scientists rather than forming their own from the original science experiments, observations and systematic modeling. They then explain away reality that contradicts their views to protect their pride and authority." --> ".. and cling" should have been "... clinging" as in they are haughty and elitist for clinging to their so on and so forth. That makes them literally hypo-critical (no negation) of their source that they derive from to justify their hyper-critical negation (the emphasis not on the validity of the attitude but of the authenticity of their claims as to whether something is possible or causation of something). Whether this attitude on its own is a bad thing is another discussion. I'm claiming they're wrong, and taking a critical approach to the sources of information and "common sense" regarding human ability, learning, and application in the context of fighting and fitness.
Like I said, I just like the diagram. I already held similar principles in my mind beforehand.
A lot of that is lower intensity though. And proper form isn't necessarily proper without the necessary power. You might be able to do the form, but your joints and muscles and bones might not be strong enough to deliver a strong hit or move very quickly. Since this is about combat, the singular principle is body damage, domination or negation.
It's "anti-authoritarian"; or, "when death has no reality" (jk-ing)
Gymnastics engages many of the same muscle groups. Traps, Lats, Back. If they ever performed a squat in their life, then they would have the necessary strength to deadlift 2x bodyweight. A high level gymnast could likely perform 2.5x bodyweight.
I couldn't find anything on him either. I guess he's a schmuck. "Gymnast tries deadlifting" isn't getting me anywhere either, so I can't find a clear case where a gymnast that doesn't deadlift tries deadlifting. Unprovable either way for now.
so a few to start with,
i i would expect a full grown male gymnast to be able to dead lift two x body weight, that really the lower end for any body who is athletic, even with out specific training.
people who are" gymnasts", are so because. They were born with the genetics to allow that, a normal/ average person following the,same training will Not derive the same out comes in strengh or agility. Just as an average person will not end up dead lifting 800 lbs. If you are going to make comparisons you need to compare like with like. A top level gymnast will out perform hobby power lifters most of the time, and that's with out the fact that they quite probably do some weights as part of their training anyway.
have you any tangible evidence of 100lbs Mother's lifting cars off children, its either a complete myth OR is incredibly rare.
it is perhaps possible to triple your strengh in such circumstances, but that two ton car is still not getting lifted
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