Master Black Belt
I guess we agree on something, or at least at some level. I just don't believe everything was meant to be black and white. Some times it benefits a person to open up the mind and think for themselves. My instructor and I go through some of this stuff and come up with various ways to apply the movements. They aren't always identical to the original, which plays to your comment of the creator not recognizing it, but then it enlightens and elevates the practitioner. So why is it wrong? I don't think it is, but I agree, some of these forms, especially those purposefully changed for no apparent reason other than to be different, from certain organizations not mentioned here, mainly in the SKK lineage, would not be recognized by the creator, and in many instances those changes may actually be laughed at and passed off as "ineffective".
Nothing wrong with being creative and expanding on what you were taught. Just seems like a good idea to know what the original thinking was behind something if it's possible.