I thought shall I post about this or shan't I, then I thought 'oh lets add to my post count' so I am replying, hey why not it's what internet warriors do isn't it? And I might get lots of thanks for it too, whooppee! Maybe even a rep point if I'm lucky!
I'm glad you did.
Yeah I know everything cuz I roll in the gym, yep thats me,though I don't coach other peoples competitions whatever that means.
Whether or not you actually believe that, you certainly come across that way in many of your posts.
Should we ignore my military service starting in 1971,
No, we shouldn't. However, when you make broad, condescending statements with a "pat on the head" attitude, expecting some of us to just take all you say as fact, without engaging any real conversation on the subject, all I am left with is a heavy handed opinion and a post count. That is the stuff of internet warriors. Is that what you are? Doesn't look like it. Is that how you treated our initial conversation. Yup.
I'm sorry you lost people but son, you ain't the only one. Ever been stood next to mate when a sniper put a round through his head and you got splattered with his brain? Northern Ireland 1972.
I have had similar experiences.
Thats just the start of it, guess I may have seen more violence that many but then you think I'm liar, right, what I say isn't the truth,
No, I wouldn't call you a liar. You appear as one when you start a conversation questioning a persons credibility, start a conversation you don't intend to actually have, and then, rather than give it any real discussion or consideration, resort to name calling;
Condescending statements;
ah poor deluded boy!... Little man..
etc... ad nauseum
Why does it worry you so much what others write?
It doesn't bother me personally, however, I recognize that people come here looking for SD information, and that incorrect notions, opinions and poor information could get someone hurt or killed, so I do believe it should be taken seriously.
why are you getting so upset?
No where have I gotten upset. The only post calling you out on your potential as a keyboard warrior came long after you addressed me in a post asking questions, beginning a conversation you refused to actually have, and it came long after I was misquoted, you contradicted yourself and after condescending and inflammatory posts from you and your loyal pal.
It's a shame that from the start, you were so resistant to just having a constructive conversation regarding the questions you originally asked me.
Given what you have posted above, we have had some similar experiences (as I'm sure others here have)and could likely have had a goo conversation but your knee jerk, defensive reactions to a post you don't agree with or don't understand seems to have killed that option.
I wish you well. Stay safe.