Devin_Ken Ryu Kenpo
White Belt
Well, im a yellow belt, and im on the tournament team,and I went to my first tournament yesterday spontaniously since i found out the night before. Anyway, I just competed in fighting, and I came in second at the Krane Tournament. Althoagh I was almost disqaulified, althoagh in the rule book it says nothing about not being able to hit them when they fall. Blah, I didnt argue, and just took my trophie, and was happy even thoagh I didnt score the five points I got, even now that I review it on camera, I got those points, but still, I am still very very happy to even get somthing at all, and being able to compete for the first time like that. It is a very new concept for me cause I'm used to just sparring my class mates in the studio, and stuff, so im happy.