First thing you wanted to learn

When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D
Kali. After watching Jason Bourne(Matt Damon) stab that assassin in the hand with the pen, I internally shouted "THAT ONE"!!!!!
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D
A spinning heel kick.
I mean it would've been nice to learn how to circle properly but those idiots couldn't have even been bothered to do that right.
I straight up wanted to be Sho Kosugi or a ninja turtle. I wanted to vanish into a cloud of smoke and use "ninja magic" to solve every problem lol Then, when reality kicked in and my Sensei brought me back down to earth, I really learned to enjoy joint manipulation and pressure points. It's not flashy and movies won't be made about those techniques, but I found it fascinating.
If I'm a new student, the 1st thing that I want to learn is the anti-missile strategy. If you punch at me, I'll knock your punching arm down.
In retrospect, I should have learned to bob, weave, and cover. It was 1964 in my old boxing days, and my "style" was more Rocky Balboa than Sugar Ray Leonard !
I'm not sure that most newbs know what to expect in the first place to even be able to answer this question. Speaking for myself, what I wanted to learn was the bigger picture stuff. I.e., the martial art itself.
Lone Wolf McQuade was what kindled my interest in martial arts. It was the kicks, especially leaving the ground and moving through the air and striking a target. Also being able to defeat bad guys. lol I started karate when I was 9 or 10, dropped out after a year. That was a long time ago now, like 30 years.
I'm not sure that most newbs know what to expect in the first place to even be able to answer this question.
If I'm a beginner, this is the 1st thing that I want to learn in MA - the leg is longer than the arm.

The 2nd thing that I want to learn is if I hide my head behind my arms, it will be difficult for you to punch my head.

It was so long ago, it is difficult to remember clearly. I loved physical exercise and was getting into lots of fights in the neighbourhood. I had already been taught basic boxing skills from my old man and uncle. We heard there was Karate club nearby, so a few friends and I decided to give it a try.

It was hard disciplined training (Kyokushin) with lots of repetitive drills. We enjoyed ourselves learning the techniques and kata, and there were lots of fights in my local area, so we got to test and adapt what we were learning on a regular basis.

The physical training and fighting were my favorite parts - the uniform, belts, gradings and Japanese names were of little interest. We never wore our white pyjamas in the local neighbourhood and nobody ever asked me to name the techniques I was knocking them out with.
As a child my father just decided to start teaching me a few techniques. This got me interested as I was bullied in school.
He then decided to teach me the real deal " Gjogsul " and I have been into martial arts ever since. I am 30 yrs old and this has been 25 years ago ! Gjogsul is next to unknown over here in Germany and most martial artists over here have never heard of Gjogsul, so learning this mysterious system from my father was always something I liked being part of and proud of. Obviously we did not have any belt or grade system as I was " home schooled " on this one :)

I had a few breaks here and there, went into new systems and so on and on, but I always did something.
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D
Hip throws, take downs, and fancy kicks.
WIthout a doubt it was learn nunchucks. Growing up in the 70's that was the end all be all. I also was fascinated with Bo Staff and the animal styles.
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn.
1. Howto "block" hard strikes and blows, without breaking your own limbs in the game.
2. proper technique of ushiro mawashi geri

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