I'm sorry - JB e-mailed me privately asking how my test went. I should have told you all. I passed but there were a few requests my senseis had for me which threw me into a tailspin.
I practiced harder and more thoroughly than I usually do in preparation for the test the entire week before the test. I worked on every basic I knew. I worked on the ones of which I'm the worst...the dreaded "inside-out crescent kicks". I had all 3 katas down pat. I knew my kumites (or so I thought). Test day came. I was a NERVOUS WRECK the entire 2 days leading up to it. I calmed down once I arrived at the dojo. Then excitement set in instead. I bowed in with the rest of my class and then went to the other end of the gym we call our dojo and stood at ready stance in front of two of my senseis, whom I respect very much. They started with very basic moves. I though - I got this under control. Then they asked me to demonstrate combination moves I'd never been shown before! I kind of had a strange look on my face and asked what I was supposed to do if I'd never done it before. Technically, because this is a formal test, they are not supposed to really say anything but they told me to do my best interpretation of their request. So I did...and I SUCKED!! : ) The asked for quite a few things I'd never done or seen done...one of which was walking, yes walking inside out crescent kicks?????? Talk about the worst possible request - a kick I suck at anyway and then to ask me to do it walking - a move I'd never done or even seen done! Then I demonstrated the 5 kumites with one of the senseis and forgot a step on two of them! She even gave me a hint and asked if I wanted to do it again and I said yes but didn't realize the mistake I was making. The katas I did almost perfectly. They went over all of their findings with me at the end and I promised to work on the things they pointed out. They told me they threw those things I'd never seen or done before to see how I process new things - not so much to grade. But ultimately, I got my yellow belt. Finally I have color! I am very excited and wanted to reward myself with something for attaining this goal. At first I thought - Jack in the Box on the way home from class! No, not a food reward. I looked around the stores looking for semething I wanted to be my reward. I couldn't find anything I wanted enough to equal a reward for this huge goal I've met. Then it dawned on me - achieving the goal and knowing I can do it and also knowing I can do it again to attain my next goal - orange belt - is reward enough for me!
Thanks for asking! I am thrilled!