paulgalactic said:
I can elaborate: Tiger Woods didn't get so good at golf by practicing as much as the rest of the pros. How about Barry bonds...He had been playing in the majors for quite some time Then bam his Bat came alive...Bonds used to hit 10-20 a year. I bet he practiced a bit more then everyone else on his own. Michael Jordan practiced before and after Team Practice. He practiced After Games. He wound his ankles every morning And focused on Basketball Basketball Basketball When he achieved he focused basketball. He took a vacation and tried new things and still practiced basketball. There are many NBA players That could be like Mike if They would just do as Mike did.
Notice a common theme about all these athletes you mentioned? They all had
coaches. They were all trained in their respective sports. Tiger Woods didn't just pick up a golf club one day and decide to win a championship. Barry Bonds had to go through the minor leagues like everyone else. He also received
coaching from those more experienced than he. Most all coaches and hitting instructors (if not all of them) were former major league ballplayers themselves. Michael Jordan also had a coach. He may have had talent for basketball, but he still needed someone to
teach him how to play correctly - and at a professional level.
paulgalactic said:
A few months will not make me an expert with a sword when I pick one up Duh.
No...but it *may* land you in the hospital if you're not careful. Don't you know how ridiculously easy it is to cut yourself with a sword? I've completely lost track of the number of horror stories I've heard of inexperienced folks playing around with swords, and end up cutting themselves. Have you read about Don Rice on SFI? He "self-trained" in a JSA for over 20 years. He had *one* lapse in concentration - and almost lost his arm and his life. Give his story a read:
paulgalactic said:
I've used Nunchakus every day for the last 5 Months with very few exceptions Maybe Two days, Still not Mike. I think it would be Logical to say That I am much better Then just about anyone if they put in less then half the hours that I have Regardless of training Method. Not to mention the Spiritual Experiences That I have Every Day - of course it wouldn't be Logical to Add that into the equation If your Dr spock.
How would you know how *good* you are with any kind of weapon, without any kind of reference point to measure your skill? You are just PLAYING with your weapons, NOT training. Training involves LEARNING from a qualified teacher.
Here's an analogy for you: I wake up one morning and decide that I want to become a brain surgeon. It can't be too hard, since I'm already comfortable with knives, right? What if I walked up to a hospital and asked them to hire me as a surgeon, since I have experience with knives? I would probably get laughed out of the hospital.
paulgalactic said:
The Reality of it is that I'm not seeking guidance or approval (Others inputs, views and suggestions are Appreciated even when not right for me/some are right for me) I'm seeking Knowledge, Help (with my patent), Entertainment (I'm entertained).
Then *why* are you here? This is a martial arts forum. Most everyone here is currently involved in the martial arts, or aspiring to become a student in the near future. This is a forum where people come together to help each LEARN more about their own art and other arts they may not be familiar with. If you don't have an attitude to LEARN, then what will you possibly gain from this forum?
paulgalactic said:
I have a goal To write A journal That I Hope to one day transform to a publishable work. I have a goal to make Martial Arts my bread-winner. And More importantly I have a goal to Continue to Grow as an Individual spiritually. I also have A goal to Teach others What I learn and Help others to learn on their own. And I believe That to me Part of my Destiny. cannot teach others what you do not know yourself. No one who is serious about studying a martial art will seek the aid of an individual who doesn't have a single shred of formal training under his/her belt.
Please consider what you really want to do with your life and any kind of training you wish to pursue. I wish you the best in your search.