First Milestone for Twin Fist Martial Arts

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
This saturday i will be hold the first belt test in my school. Only one person testing, but all great journeys start small.

I am excited and nervous, and I am not even the one testing..LOL
This saturday i will be hold the first belt test in my school. Only one person testing, but all great journeys start small.

I am excited and nervous, and I am not even the one testing..LOL

I am always more nervous when my students test than when I do; when my students test, I'm really being tested as an instructor more than anything else, and errors on their part reflect on me... I find it nerve wracking, especially as there's always something that someone does, some mistake that's never seen in class and never seen again...

Good luck to you and your student, and congratulations on reaching this point.
I am excited for you. I would imagine that having your first black belt would be a wonderful experience. If I had to guess.. I would say that you will probably be more nervous at testing, than the person testing.
Good luck for you and your prospective black belt!!!!
I agree with what others have said above, TF. I've not held a grading yet but have had people going for grades who I have helped teach and you do feel a deep sense of personal responsibility for how they fare :D.
Good on you Twin Fist! It's good to be nervous for them.

I tie on each student's belt when they pass. If you hold that tradition also, it's the coolest thing. It never gets old. If you don't, I hope you find something that also makes that connection.

All my best to you!:asian:
TF that is great and like Iceman I always tie all the belts for my students, it hold a special place for them as well as for me.
thanks people.

I have to admit it is a very emotional experience for me so far, and I imagine come Sat I will be a nervous wreck.
I missed the notice when it was first posted.

I hope all went well and congradulations to all that took part.
well, the first belt test at my school has come and gone.

The student had a severe, and i mean really bad case of nerves. I made that worse by having a guest black belt come and observe. She is one of my instructors and I wanted her to be able to watch what I was doing and give me feedback on my program.

Turns out it also made the student testing a lot more nervous.....

But, in the end, he performed the required moves, and while he was off a bit from what i know he can do, he passed.

So i now have my first colored belt.....and i recieved some good feedback from one of my seniors.

all in all a good day