First Martial Arts Injury

The first time I really got hurt, was when I was sparing with my Karate instructor. He nailed me with a straight punch to the solo-plex. It hurt so much. It knocked all the wind out of me, and I just crumpled to the floor. It took over an hour for me to recover from that one.
Sparring: reverse turning kick to the face. Of course, ever helpful instructor says, "Shoulda blocked." Nose was sore for a few weeks.
Sparring: reverse turning kick to the face. Of course, ever helpful instructor says, "Shoulda blocked." Nose was sore for a few weeks.

Of course we do and remember our instructor tell us the same thing.
Sprained finger. While blocking, or trying anyway. It was a quick leaning curve on keeping them out of the way. J

My first real injury was about my second month into training, I was having a technique demonstrated on me by my sensei. He gave me a few shots to the mouth, which didn't phase me much since I was used to that, then turned and grabbed me by my bicep with his nails. This had been done before, so I didn't think much of it, but with that grab he then threw me. I landed and looked at the class, all of whom were smiling at me, but I didn't understand why. I got up and walked back to the line to stand with them as sensei demonstrated the technique on somebody else. Suddenly I felt a huge stinging sensation in my arm and so I rubbed it, but that didn't make it any better. I looked at the hand that had rubbed my arm and noticed that it was covered in blood, so I turn and look at my arm and, sure enough, there are two nail sized cuts in my bicep, bleeding all the way down to my wrist.

Fortunately for me, they've since scarred up and make a pretty interesting tale for the ladies. :D

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