First Martial Arts Injury

Bruised rib from a side kick, last injury (so far) tore meniscus in left knee from doing kata:rolleyes:
When I was studying Al Tracy Kenpo, I tore the tendons in my middle finger on my right hand during a sparring match. That is actually the only "injury" I have had so far. (Physically anyway. LOL)
When I was a white belt i thought I'd have a go at doing a senior class. We were doing shuttle runs. And afterwards when I sat down, I went to stand and could'nt get up. I'd apparently done my groin in!!!!! Dont ask me how I drove home, but I could'nt push the clutch in to change gear, so I think I drove home in first gear. (was a very slow trip home). Now after a year and half later it still pains me!!!!
first injury from martial arts...sprained my ankle doing switch kicks....everything else is just the normal joint problems that come with being an active big guy
Lessee - I've hyperextended my wrist, had it torqued in a joint lock, same with elbow, damaged rotater cuff in left shoulder from falling wrong, sprained left knee, tore right ACL, sprained ankle, broken hand, broken toes and stress fracture on foot.
Left Knee ACL

Jaw the pops if a chew "wrong"

Neck injury

Wrist, elbow, shoulder twisted all to hell

Not too Bad, knock on wood
Toe sprains, lost toenails twice
Thumb jams, growing out my nail now
Pulled shoulder, nerve pinch -breaking concrete
Bursitis, ligament tear from pushups
Dislocated knee, torn meniscus
Broken rib
Back trouble from floor exercises
Torn hamstrings
Ankle problems from twisting
Foot arch ligament damage
Knees-no cartilage- from jumping (and running too)
And of course, lots of bruises
My doc sees me coming and he says what did I do now.
And we do this for fun! TW
The first was either a broken nose or a broken toe, don't remember which as they both happened around the same time. Since then I've had the normal ration of sprains, bumps, bruises, and jammed fingers. Nothing too serious
Other than being black and blue from sparring, I broke my fifth Metatorsile in my left foot (the long bone behind your pinky toe). Of course it was in just the wrong spot, the one that does not heel well with just a cast. I broke it on September 1st and was told I could either wear a non weight bearing cast for anywhere from two to nine months or I could have a screw inserted laterally in the bone and possibly be walking almost immediately and running in four weeks. I took the screw option and had surgery on September 9th. I returned to training on October 8th and belt tested on Halloween.
Very first injury? Sheesh, I hardly remember. The earleist that comes to mind was when I was about age 7 or so taking Hapkido lessons, and had just started sparring. A wayward strike to my face from some kid who was probably about my same age and rank gave me a bloody nose. But since the weather can give me a bloody nose, I'd have to say that was a fairly non-serious injury.
Broken nose when I walked into a right-cross. several injuries since, but a couple broken ribs the worst.
My first real injury was a hyper extended arm as i did'nt tap out of a arm bar in time S O R E!!
oh...and i'm pretty sure i've had stress fractures in my feet from either catching elbows with the top of my foot or those jumpy spinny kicks we like to do sometimes
My first serious injury was two cracked ribs on my left hand side from a kick. I've only had my nose broken once, and my joints are all pretty good. I've had hundreds and hundreds of bruises, far too many to count, and my knuckles are a solid mass of scar tissue. Apart from that, I've been fairly lucky.
My first martial arts-related injury happened after my first TKD class a few days ago.
When I got home my legs gave up on me half way up the stairs and I fell right back down :duh: Took a lovely chunk out of my elbow :rofl:
My first martial arts-related injury happened after my first TKD class a few days ago.
When I got home my legs gave up on me half way up the stairs and I fell right back down :duh: Took a lovely chunk out of my elbow :rofl:

Welcome to MT Lorna, pop along to the Meet and Greet part and introduce yourself? We are a friendly lot honest! it's nice to have more English people on board too (pun intended)
Welcome to MT Lorna, pop along to the Meet and Greet part and introduce yourself? We are a friendly lot honest! it's nice to have more English people on board too (pun intended)

Yes welcome Lorna and as Tez said we are a friendly lot...honest we are :EG:

And now Wow old post but a revival may be interesting.

But my first MA injury I remember quite well even though I believe it happened over 100,000 years ago :D

I was in Jujitsu and sparing (in the old days before pads when the wooly mammoth still walked the earth) and the school was also a fencing school. I threw a punch the kid I was sparing (I was a kid then to by the way) and my punch was deflected near fencing mask, I did not hit it. But being young, not thinking much, and fooling around as kids do I lightly tagged the fencing mask and took all of the skin off of my knuckles
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First one if any importance that I recall was a nose break. I took a headbut while partnered up working on a rear bearhug escape. My partner was a bit overenthusiastic. One base of the skull to the bridge of nose later there was a lot of blood and I let him out of the hold so I suppose the escape move would be effective, at least if you're ever so assaulted by a skinny twelve year old boy :)


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