Finally introducing myself!


Blue Belt
Hi everyone!
I've been reading at martialtalk for more than six months. As time went by I noticed I should interact too, so now I'm introducing myself!
I'm full of questions and I am going to show them gradually. And I'm already full of gratitude, too, for what I have already learned here. I hope to help people too, and certainly I hope to have nice talks to the great guys I've been seeing here -- coz I already seem to know many, and I respect them.
BTW, who am I?
I'm Sérgio, from Brazil. I've been practising taekwondo for a little more than a year (now in 3rd gub/blue w/ red stripe belt) and I've already practised a little shotokan karate (only 3 months). I like martial arts in general, and I my intent is to become a full martial artist -- body, mind and soul -- more than an typical sport practioner.
I've been to taekwondo forum most of the time here in MT (and that's why I'm posting this both in TKD and Meet and Greet threads), but I do wish to get to know other martial arts. Btw, I recently read some great aikido and jeet kune do books, and I appreciate those arts.
Thank you everyone for letting me join you!
Welcome, Sérgio. We are glad you decided to join us. Enjoy!
Welcome mate!

Let's get rolling with these questions (I can't wait to get in to the discussions that start with them!). :-)
Well met, good sir. Come in out of the shadows and seat yourself here at the table with us :bows:
Welcome to a good community. We look forward to your contributions as well as you questions, as we're all students on a path.
Bienvenido Sergio, bueno se que no estoy escribiendo en Portuges pero el español y el Portuges son ambas lenguas romances y se entienden bien entre ellas, sesta es tu casa, aqui hay mucha gente buena y conocedora mi nombre es Manny y soy de Mexico del puerto de Veracruz, de donde eres tu? Sao Paulo? Rio? Santos? Porto Alegre? Brasilia?

Parece ser que eres joven aun que edad tienes?

Hello again to every mate!
Thank you for your welcomings and kindness.

You're right, if you write in Spanish I'll probably understand you fully as well. As for my age, well... I'm 27, today I think that's not old but not totally young. Once I started karate at 25 and taekwondo at 26, sometimes I feel I was a little older than I wish I was for a beginner, but I can say today I have maturity to receive the full advantages of practising such arts.
And I'm from Belem, wich is located in north regiuon here in Brazil (Amazon), but well, it's not bad to say that... there'
Hello again to every mate!
Thank you for your welcomings and kindness.

You're right, if you write in Spanish I'll probably understand you fully as well. As for my age, well... I'm 27, today I think that's not old but not totally young. Once I started karate at 25 and taekwondo at 26, sometimes I feel I was a little older than I wish I was for a beginner, but I can say today I have maturity to receive the full advantages of practising such arts.
And I'm from Belem, wich is located in north regiuon here in Brazil (Amazon), but well, it's not bad to say that... there'
Hello again to every mate!
Thank you for your welcomings and kindness.

You're right, if you write in Spanish I'll probably understand you fully as well. As for my age, well... I'm 27, today I think that's not old but not totally young. Once I started karate at 25 and taekwondo at 26, sometimes I feel I was a little older than I wish I was for a beginner, but I can say today I have maturity to receive the full advantages of practising such arts.
And I'm from Belem, wich is located in north regiuon here in Brazil (Amazon), but well, it's not bad to say that... there'

No estas tan viejo, yo regrese al TKD despues de 12 años de ausentarme de el a la edad de casi 40 años, y si no ha sido facil pero tampoco dificil, asi que practicamente eres un bebe desde el punto de vista de un hombre maduro como yo.

Ponle muchas ganas al entrenamiento.


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