Finally going for the tattoo look

Excellent advice and information from all of you, thank you. Now I feel I can focus on doing it right and feel more comfortable. Alot more and better information than I expected...
Wade speaks the truth..Get one that speaks to you..Whatever you get on ain't coming off..Check out the local tattoo shops and see their work and show them our ideas..Pick up a copy of "Tattoo" magazine and see if any of the your local shops and artists are mentioned...
Good idea. Will do.
Check out the shops, a few times. Get a good feel for the persons style...not all people who do tattoos are really artists.

Check their health records. Avoid any shop that gives you -any- flak about seeing them. Make sure they are recent.
Good advice.
One comment from personal experience. DON'T get flash (the pre-drawn designs that most tattoo shops have on display). There's nothing to stop someone else walking in 5 minutes after you leave and getting the same design. Work with the artist you choose to come up with with a custom piece. You're going to have it for a while, might as well make it unique.
I got some flash work done back in my Marine days. It's since been covered by much better work.
Yeh, I agree. I'm working on a couple od design ideas that will be original.
Oh gosh. Where to start. First take your time and visit lots of shops. Don't go to shops who take walk-ins. Look for someone who will give you a free consultation to talk about your design and the way they work. They should have a portfolio to show you as well as be able to explain what makes a good tattoo vs. a bad tattoo. Line value is of the utmost importance if you don't want to end up with a blue blob in ten years.

Also investigate health issues. Are the tattooist wearing gloves? Mask? Eye protection? Are a bunch of tattooist working together in the same space? Blood aerosols travel 12 feet. A tattoo consists of thousands of skin punctures. If people are getting tattooed within 12 feet of each other in an open space they are exchanging microscopic body fluids. What about health inspections? Are they willing to show you their scores?

As Kreth and Drac stated. You get what you pay for. DON'T get a piece of flash. Look for someone who does custom work. If they can freehand the design on you without stenciling, all the better, but I realize it's difficult to find an artist that works that way.

You are wise to consider having a screwed up tattoo and taking your time to find the right tattooist.

Good luck and keep up posted. :asian:
How many tattoos do you have Pam?
Like Skip Cooper said: Stay away from pop culture! You never know what turn it will take. I got Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes because I was a huge fan of the strip. Couple of months later, Bill Watterson retired and every mouthbreather in the country slapped a unlicensed Calvin sticker on his pick'emup truck showing him peeing on everything from the Ford logo to "My Baby's Momma". I am not making that last one up.
I guess I better re-think my Beavis and Butthead idea...
Another important point, QG: Ask the artist if he can show you the spore testing results for his autoclave. If he tries to tell you that he sterilizes his equipment with chemicals or by boiling, RUN!
Great idea.
When you find one that says "hey, that's me"! Then get it. If if doesn't then don't. Do not get one just to have one. DON"T!!!!!!!! You have to remember that tattoo's are like drugs, they are addictive. The more you get the more you want so be careful where you go with this. Uh, or so I have heard, my opinion only, of course.
Your into tattoos Wade?
Depends. If the artist uses something like Cidex, you're just fine in the sterility department. It will take skin off. It's a standard sterilization chemical used in the medical industry and a heck of a lot easier than maintaining and cleaning an autoclave. What worked for me was paying attention to how they handle the equipment, how often they change gloves, clean the tattooing area, etc. Attention to detail is all important.

The artist in Jersey inspected the needles for imperfections before he started..His studio was as clean as my Doctors office if not cleaner...
Qui-gon, I have a dragon, a set of jump wings with a Happy Spider at the bottom, and the words "Airborne" "Ranger" and "Special Forces" on my left "the army" arm. Oh, and a dragon on my fore arm. On my right "USMC" arm I have a skull and cross bones and the words Marine Recon and Viet Nam on my fore arm and the Bulldog and USMC on my upper arm, so........maybe? I'm still thinking about it. I spent 3 years in the Corps and 7 years army SFG. Now I am thinking of branching out into other kinds of tattoos but there are just so many nice ones it is hard to choose. Fortunately I'm a biker and the tattoos tend to blend in with all the leather I wear most of the time.
Excellent advice and information from all of you, thank you. Now I feel I can focus on doing it right and feel more comfortable. Alot more and better information than I expected...

Make sure you pay attention to the cleanliness of the whole place. You're much more likely to get a staph infection from the table you're laying on, or the chair you're sitting in than from aseptic technique.
Exactly what you want! Were you happy with the results?

Beyond happy!!! This guy was GREAT..I took a picture out of an old magazine, black and white no less..He gave it a look and only asked where I wanted it ..3 hrs later I was done..
Beyond happy!!! This guy was GREAT..I took a picture out of an old magazine, black and white no less..He gave it a look and only asked where I wanted it ..3 hrs later I was done..
How many tats do you have Drac?
Fortunately I'm a biker and the tattoos tend to blend in with all the leather I wear most of the time.

That's my Quote of the day, Wade! Thank you, sir!

Ooh! Rah!

11Bravo in what seems like another lifetime...

My one and only bit of ink at this point is a Yin Yang made up of an eagle and the American flag. Above it is written "NYPD * FDNY" and below is "11-Sept-01"... I plan to expand this tat with a tribute to the PAPD Officers and K-9 that also perished. I'll have to try and get a self-picture of it (as it is now) at some point...

Several other ideas in the works... but the next is going to be kenpo related...

More later...

Your Brother in the arts,

This may not be the right thread for this comment, but ...

Did you see the United States Marine Corps was soon to issue guidelines about 'large tattoos on the forearms and legs'. Apparently, the USMC doesn't want obtrusive tattoos in these locations because they conflict with the clean 'spit and polish' image.
This may not be the right thread for this comment, but ...

Did you see the United States Marine Corps was soon to issue guidelines about 'large tattoos on the forearms and legs'. Apparently, the USMC doesn't want obtrusive tattoos in these locations because they conflict with the clean 'spit and polish' image.

Really???? Every "jarhead" I've ever met had Globe and Anchor tattooed on their bicep or forearm...
11 Bush eh? Who with and when?

Nothing to write home about. All Stateside... no good details or TDY's... just being a "peacetime" Grunt. This was post-Grenada era...

I went in 01-March 84 (17) at MEPS Philly... booted at Benning that summer... spent a year drilling and getting MOS qualified while Permanent Party at a USAR base in Philly... was at Aberdeen Proving Grounds briefly, then I took some of Reagan's "early out" money in 87... after getting stuck as Armorer for a permanent party post at yet another reserve unit (i.e. I cleaned "Jammin' Jennies" all day long... because the Weekenders didn't know how to do a proper breakdown and cleaning)...

But, some good times to be remembered. Funny how I got calls about the first Gulf War... but not this one. I guess all my old buddies have rotated out, or otherwise moved on...

My one neice recently married a nice guy who'd just made E-5 in the Rangers... he's "over in the sandbox playing" right now. When he gets home, we plan on getting together to work some hand-to-hand material, etc...

By the way... I've seen some VERY COOL military tatoos! Wish I could find my old box of pictures from back then... I'm sure I have some kodaks of some of them...

Their's just something about comitting ink to flesh that makes one REALLY puse to think about it... meditate almost...

More later...

Your Brother in the arts,


P.S. I should've re-upped USMC back in '91 when an old buddy from High School showed up on my doorstep as a Marine Receruiter! Plus, he was ranked high up in the Corps boxing program! Ah! Hindsight! :ultracool

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