fighting Video games


2nd Black Belt
What is your favorite fighting video game out there..
Pesonally i like mostly all of them. Such as DOA3 Soul Caliber 2 and the DBZ Budokai games. (true i don't play it for its MA....but i mean dang its DBZ how could I not like it.)

I like playing these types of games to expand my mind in differant moves that can be used in the real world and in the fantasy world as well.
My favorites will always be the Virtual Fighter series, followed closesly by Tekken. Though the massive combos of Killer Instinct were fun. :D
I really never played the Virtua fighter series but I played the origional Tekken and Tekken Tag......the tag was fun origional...well I would of have to of played it when it first came out to actually have any passion for it.
I played Street Fighter 2 Turbo for eons..its just something i love, although the only time i play it anymore is on the rare occasion my friend wants to.
Thats really the way i feel about DBZ budokai games...since no one but one guy could beat me and he had a wieded out Hurcule and i had a reg teen gohan. and he won once out of like 20 but anyways out of everyone that i have faced I have won all of the fights....boy i wish that I could play someone online that could beat me.....shoot i would like it better if someone near me could win....anywho........I only play when Challenged now :asian:
I like the Street Fighter Alpha Serise and there VS serise or anything with Sakura in it :P i own with her :P I liked the Fighting Physics of DOA2(havnt played 3) but the charactors where all stupied and had a horrable attempt at a story, Tekken was allways kool and SC is to button mashy i think
I'm hooked on Street Fighter Anniversary Edition for PS2. I always loved SF II Hyper Fighting Edition and Super SF II. After all these years I'm still rockin folks with Ryu and Cammy.
I love Tekken Tag for the styles and moves, I love DOA 3 for the ladies, I love Soul Caliber 2 for the weapons and features, I also dig the old Samurai Showdown and Marvel vs. ?, and Mortal Combat is just classic even if it isn't as much fun.

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