Martial art video games


Green Belt
hello everyone! I was wondering what martial art/fighting games everyone likes. My husband and I like the Dynasty Warriors series the best with Da Qiao as my favorite character (hence the avatar). We just got the latest game in that series, Dynasty Warriors 5: Extreme Legends. We also like Samurai Warriors, Kessen,Tekken and Mortal Combat to some extent. I mainly like Maleena from MK because she has sai :D What are your favorites?


beauty_in_the_sai said:
hello everyone! I was wondering what martial art/fighting games everyone likes. My husband and I like the Dynasty Warriors series the best with Da Qiao as my favorite character (hence the avatar). We just got the latest game in that series, Dynasty Warriors 5: Extreme Legends. We also like Samurai Warriors, Kessen,Tekken and Mortal Combat to some extent. I mainly like Maleena from MK because she has sai :D What are your favorites?


Dynasty warriors deal with "three kingdoms"? like Guan Yu???!!
what platform are these? sound like PS to me, right?
mantis said:
Dynasty warriors deal with "three kingdoms"? like Guan Yu???!!
what platform are these? sound like PS to me, right?

From what I understand, the same people are in the Three Kingdoms game series, but it's a different game series. Yes, Guan Yu is in Dynasty Warriors, but I like the Dynasty Warriors games over the Three Kindoms games. They are for PS2 or PSP.

I like alot of the ones that are going to pop up on this forum but most recently, I just got into Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi. The computer is relentless, and the only way to win is to use strategy and know how to play the game. No button tapping for this game but unfortunately, no mercy either.
This is my favorite martial arts game of all time! To bad I have not won as many tournaments in real martial arts as I have in this game, lol.

Anyone remember Karate Champ or Kung Fu Hero? I spent a lot of quarters over the summer playing these games! Ahhhh, the good old days of coin op console video games. The kids today can't appreciate how far the games have come since the late seventies and early eighties. I wish I still had my old Commadore 64, then I could still play these classics.

Anyone remember Karate Champ or Kung Fu Hero? I spent a lot of quarters over the summer playing these games! Ahhhh, the good old days of coin op console video games. The kids today can't appreciate how far the games have come since the late seventies and early eighties. I wish I still had my old Commadore 64, then I could still play these classics.

AMEN TO THAT!! That and the Atari 2600, Intellivision, and Odyssey is what started this whole mess!
Though one for me, I love fighting games. But it would be any street fighter, mortal kombat, dead or alive, or soul calibur game.
hongkongfooey said:
Anyone remember Karate Champ or Kung Fu Hero? I spent a lot of quarters over the summer playing these games! Ahhhh, the good old days of coin op console video games. The kids today can't appreciate how far the games have come since the late seventies and early eighties. I wish I still had my old Commadore 64, then I could still play these classics.


Remember? Karate Champ is sitting in my original NES right now...
I loved the ole Karate Champ; I can still remember wearing out about 10 of the old type controllers on my Atari 2600. Then I was blown away when the first Nintendo came out. It was so much better graphics and that game Super Mario dang I spent a lot of time on that.

I still put Mortal Combat in my X-Box every now and then. Anyone remember that arcade game Killer Instinct? It was out for a while but I havenÂ’t seen it in a long time. I used to hit the arcade and that game would have the volume up real loud and when you get a Super Hit Combooooo it was so loud every one in the arcade would look in that direction. I think I spent $100 in quarters on that game alone.

But now I am hopelessly addicted to first person shooters and RPGÂ’s. Right now I am loving Snow Blind and I think I am going to go pick up Fable
I remember Kiler Instinct, that was an awsome game, something they should redo soon. Fable is great RPG, minus the fact that its short. The sequel should be better and longer though.
Any of the Tekken and also Mortal Combat, DragonBall Buda Kai revenge is pretty good stuff.
LOL Changed my avatar to my second favorite video game character, Mileena from MK, just because she was more fitting with my screen name than Da Qiao.

Has anyone played Path of Neo for X Box or PS2?

In it, you play as Neo from the Matrix and you get to go through all Three films in the game as Neo, playing from his point of view.

It was such a big deal, they said it was supposed to be SOO great and with NO lag.

But man, i was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, they Captured the fighting and martial arts. Amazing animations with guns, swords, and short blunt/bladed weapons and techniques, etc... But the game was very glitchy and the Controls were not good enough for me.

The Attack button and Block button was the SAME button!!! Geez.
I've been a fan of Virtua Fighter for a long time. The also like the stuff SNK cranked out (Samurai Shodown 2, KoF 98...), the two major namco fighters, a lot of the Capcom ones, and Tobal 2 as well.

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