Originally posted by nightingale8472
A very wise man once said "I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six."
I do not disagree with this statement. I may disagree with many of the things the original person who made this statement famous has said. that is a different story.
Me Personally, Yes I stop the drunk or non drunk from hitting the girl or the women or the kid or even another guy. I get involved, why? If I knew I would go get it fixed. But, for some unknown reason I seem to care about those that are not able to defend themselves, or are at a major disadvantage, that their own mouths did not get them into.
Question sir, I really do not expect a response, but I must ask this for you and others to seriously think about.
When was the last time you killed a human being or thought you had killed someone? Did You throw up right afterwards, or was it hours later. Did it come naturally to take the life of another? I used to think a long time ago, I could do anything and take on anyone and deal with the issues later. Have you dropped someone on their head so they were unconscious and not breathing. Did you then try to keep the spine and neck as straight as possible and then to clear the throat of their tongue? Or would you have just walked away. For walking away could be made to look real bad for the 12 and then you could still be carried by six in some states. Yes, I did clear the guys throat and he did start to breath. As I dropped him, yes I wanted to Kill him. That was my motive since he was trying to kick me in the face while I was prone on my hands and knees.
Just be really seriously prepared to answer ALL the questions the cops ask you with, I do not remember, I don't know, or I want my Lawyer. The first two will make it look like you are in shock, most likely you will be. The last is your only chance to get the questions to really stop, for a while. But, it makes you look like you have some thing to hide. Be prepared to spend Friday night to Monday morning in Jail until you can see a judge. And even then, if the Assistant DA can make a case of flight you might still sit in jail without bail, until the case has been further resolved.
I understand that yes if it is truly life or death then yes do what you need to do. But, what put you in that place to be life or death. The DA will ask you, believe me (s)he will ask that question. Why did you not walk away? If you are trained (* Also never admit to training, but do not deny it if asked *), why did you not do something else to get this person under control?
I know, he had a gun and you had the knife. But how did you know the gun was real or loaded? You might think I am trying to be funny, but this is another question I was asked by the cops and the DA. It is their job to find someone responsible and since the other guy is seriously hurt or dead you are the one who is prime to fill the opening.
Why, did you not just walk away? Here in Michigan if someone breaks into your house, it is the owners responsibility to leave the house and not harm the assailant or burglar. Yes this is the law, or at least the way it is currently interpreted by most of the courts. The items in your house or your car can be replaced, but the life or arm or leg of the person you hurt or killed cannot be replaced. No matter how disgusting that person might be to normal civilized people.
My apologies to everyone, including Nightingale, this post is just to make people think.
Yes Train hard, be prepared to do what it takes, but realize that many times if you saw it coming you should have walked away.
Have a nice and safe day
PS - Remember these are only my opinions and you are more than entitled but encouraged to have your own.