fighting a drunk!?

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Originally posted by SolidTiger

But can a fighter that do drunken style fight when drunk?

Can he? Sure, why not? Anyone can fight while drunk regardless of the style they've learned. Will a person who knows a drunken style fight *well* while drunk? I really doubt it. As mentioned, you shouldn't underestimate anyone, but a drunk fighter should be less of a problem than a sober one.

As noted, being drunk tends to make you lose your balance, coordination, and reflexes (as in they get slower). Fighting by imitating a drunk is not the same as fighting while drunk, like LanceWildcat1 and Robbo said. If you're drunk, I doubt you're going to fight well no matter what style you've learned. The alcohol has too many negative effects that will impair your fighting ability. About the only exposure to drunken boxing I have is from watching a video clip of a form on the web. :) But it was certainly interesting to see. I doubt that someone who is drunk would have the coordination, balance, and reflexes to be able to perform some of those moves at all, let alone properly. So I don't think a drunken style fighter who is fighting while drunk is necessarily any more of a threat than any other martial artists fighting while drunk.
Just judging by the posts I've seen, I hope no one here gets into a fight with a drunk. I feel many of the posts here reflect an underestimation of drunk people. I have seen drunk people do a great job fighting. Being drunk makes you relaxed, and gives you a higher threshold for pain. There balance may be off but you should write them off. I'm not saying they are not at a dissadvantage but they also are unpredictable and will be tougher to hurt than a sober opponent.
A great MA movie that I saw once was titled "Drunken Master". It was great, but being around the MA's, I realized that the moves that were done in that movie were definitely not done by a drunk!!! :asian:
Originally posted by kenpo12

Just judging by the posts I've seen, I hope no one here gets into a fight with a drunk. I feel many of the posts here reflect an underestimation of drunk people. I have seen drunk people do a great job fighting. Being drunk makes you relaxed, and gives you a higher threshold for pain. There balance may be off but you should write them off. I'm not saying they are not at a dissadvantage but they also are unpredictable and will be tougher to hurt than a sober opponent.

Well said, and I agree. I think people are really underestimating the drunks. Yes they are at a disadvantage in many ways but they also have some "advantages", as much as I hesitate to use that term. I wouldn't count on the pain-inducing techniques, though certainly they could work, depending on the amount of alcoholand how they react to it. (The effects of narcotic drugs can be to truly deaden a person to pain.) Maybe ex-bouncer Rich Parsons or notoriuous drunk PAUL will comment on the issue of drunken opponents.

(Just kidding about PAUL!)
Originally posted by kenpo12

Just judging by the posts I've seen, I hope no one here gets into a fight with a drunk. I feel many of the posts here reflect an underestimation of drunk people. I have seen drunk people do a great job fighting. Being drunk makes you relaxed, and gives you a higher threshold for pain. There balance may be off but you should write them off. I'm not saying they are not at a dissadvantage but they also are unpredictable and will be tougher to hurt than a sober opponent.

I have been in fights with drunks. Never underestimate them, but realize their limitations-cognitive skills shot to hell, reactions shot to hell, speed slowed, etc. Never, however, write an 'opponent' off! I disagree with the line"...and will be tougher to hurt than a sober opponent.". A drunk is easier to hurt, simply because his brain is slow to tell his body that he is hurt. Fighting with a drunk is something that is done with great restraint, because of the fact that they will not recongnize the pain, and therefore not react normally to it.
Originally posted by PAUL

Be careful joint locking drunks. Their pain threshold is higher, and you might have to break them before they'll respond.

So you might want to stick to control manuevers that will "lock" but not "break" if you don't want to.

That is, of course, unless you want to.:shrug:

Just some advise from my limited bouncing experience.

Paul, Paul, Paul, (* Shakes Head *)

Did you really break that guys wrist?, Oh wait that was me, who
broke that drunk guys wrist.

Yes ladies and Gentlemen, Drunks do not feel the pain, control, as stated by othes, has the best effect. This sounds funny, but
while wrestling with one drunk guy I rolled over onto my back. I brought him with me, and as soon as the drunk saw the big empty sky he relaxed. It was easy to hold him until my back up arrived.

Good Luck to everyone who finds themsleves in this type of a situation.


PS - Paul - I knew I could take my opening - Thanks
Originally posted by arnisador

Well said, and I agree. I think people are really underestimating the drunks. Yes they are at a disadvantage in many ways but they also have some "advantages", as much as I hesitate to use that term. I wouldn't count on the pain-inducing techniques, though certainly they could work, depending on the amount of alcoholand how they react to it. (The effects of narcotic drugs can be to truly deaden a person to pain.) Maybe ex-bouncer Rich Parsons or notoriuous drunk PAUL will comment on the issue of drunken opponents.

(Just kidding about PAUL!)

Where to begin?

1) Always be aware - Drunks have friends, even friends they did not know they had, but just someone else looking to get in on the fun.

2) Drunks, feel lots of pain the next day, but feel nothing that moment. As for the eyes and throat, yes if they cannot see or breath they cannot fight you, but are you willing to go to court for this drunk guy, and defend yourself against his Dad's Lawyer because he cannot see or 'never sing again?' ?

My Answer, Did it one too many times, hand cuffs suck even when you have witnesses, the cops take you away and sort it out later. After you have been treated just like the other criminals.

3) Control techniques, including your brain and mouth. Know when to let them walk away with the last word. Know when to let think they have bested you in a battle of wits. Know when to allow the opponent to believe that they have one i.e. the story told by the 'Sifu' reported here.

Control techniques of the body, are great, yet when it comes to figting, the bouncer risks too much every time a punch is thrown.
If you can seem to reslove all the issues of getting the people out with out the punches being thrown, the respect by others and the one taken out side will be greater. For yes boys and girls they do come back. If they only came back after being puched, or escorted out then they will most likely be calm when they return. If they have something broken, they might come back looking for the trouble and not be drunk.

Can you say 'BANG BANG', Besides Remo Williams, and other TV movie types, I do not know of anyone in reality dodging bullets.

4) Drunks, are drunks. Walk away and go home. That is my best suggestion. I know the what if you cannot, ..., well than use your brain and other weapons accordingly.

Best Wishes


PS - Never Volunteer to be a bouncer, unless you know in your mind that it does not matter if you get beat up. Just my opinion.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

2) Drunks, feel lots of pain the next day, but feel nothing that moment. As for the eyes and throat, yes if they cannot see or breath they cannot fight you, but are you willing to go to court for this drunk guy, and defend yourself against his Dad's Lawyer because he cannot see or 'never sing again?' ?

My Answer, Did it one too many times, hand cuffs suck even when you have witnesses, the cops take you away and sort it out later. After you have been treated just like the other criminals.

A very wise man once said "I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six."
Drunks, are drunks. Walk away and go home.

Wise Rich, this is the best advise yet!

Never Volunteer to be a bouncer, unless you know in your mind that it does not matter if you get beat up. Just my opinion.

I fully agree!!!

Now Rich, lets go to the post bar this weekend, have a few beers, drive down to Arnisador, and let Arnisador show us how to beat on us drunks! :rofl: :drinkbeer :cheers: :ultracool
nightingale that's good advise if those are your only options, as long as their is a nother or a midigation of the last one than the first option starts to look not so good.

I have never faught a drunk, but when you are drunbk you loose consentration and you tend to get tunnle vission, as a MT fighter I would bet your best bet is a jab round kick combination.. I would also imagine being drunk would lend it's self well to a brawling style of boxing or maybe a ground and pound.
Originally posted by PAUL

Now Rich, lets go to the post bar this weekend, have a few beers, drive down to Arnisador, and let Arnisador show us how to beat on us drunks!

Drive first, drink later!

No Jacuzzi hear PAUL but we do have a nice big pool that's quite warm.
Haveing led a clean, upright, puritanical life its hard gor me to relate to this thread:rofl: :cheers: Yah Right.:drinkbeer

I have know a few people who drank way more than they should most of the time. And I'm telling you if you had messed with them you would not have come out on top.
They drank so much it was normal to be half in the bag. There reflexes where trained while in this condition. Many people would have thought them totaly drunk that would have been wrong.
If someone is falling down vomitiong all over the place thats totaly drunk If they smell of booze and have been putting them down all day they still may not be drunk in the way this thread is discribeing.
Best make sure how DRUNK someone is befor thinking they can't fight (or do forms):soapbox:

Originally posted by nightingale8472

A very wise man once said "I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six."



I do not disagree with this statement. I may disagree with many of the things the original person who made this statement famous has said. that is a different story.

Me Personally, Yes I stop the drunk or non drunk from hitting the girl or the women or the kid or even another guy. I get involved, why? If I knew I would go get it fixed. But, for some unknown reason I seem to care about those that are not able to defend themselves, or are at a major disadvantage, that their own mouths did not get them into.

Question sir, I really do not expect a response, but I must ask this for you and others to seriously think about.

When was the last time you killed a human being or thought you had killed someone? Did You throw up right afterwards, or was it hours later. Did it come naturally to take the life of another? I used to think a long time ago, I could do anything and take on anyone and deal with the issues later. Have you dropped someone on their head so they were unconscious and not breathing. Did you then try to keep the spine and neck as straight as possible and then to clear the throat of their tongue? Or would you have just walked away. For walking away could be made to look real bad for the 12 and then you could still be carried by six in some states. Yes, I did clear the guys throat and he did start to breath. As I dropped him, yes I wanted to Kill him. That was my motive since he was trying to kick me in the face while I was prone on my hands and knees.

Just be really seriously prepared to answer ALL the questions the cops ask you with, I do not remember, I don't know, or I want my Lawyer. The first two will make it look like you are in shock, most likely you will be. The last is your only chance to get the questions to really stop, for a while. But, it makes you look like you have some thing to hide. Be prepared to spend Friday night to Monday morning in Jail until you can see a judge. And even then, if the Assistant DA can make a case of flight you might still sit in jail without bail, until the case has been further resolved.

I understand that yes if it is truly life or death then yes do what you need to do. But, what put you in that place to be life or death. The DA will ask you, believe me (s)he will ask that question. Why did you not walk away? If you are trained (* Also never admit to training, but do not deny it if asked *), why did you not do something else to get this person under control?

I know, he had a gun and you had the knife. But how did you know the gun was real or loaded? You might think I am trying to be funny, but this is another question I was asked by the cops and the DA. It is their job to find someone responsible and since the other guy is seriously hurt or dead you are the one who is prime to fill the opening.

Why, did you not just walk away? Here in Michigan if someone breaks into your house, it is the owners responsibility to leave the house and not harm the assailant or burglar. Yes this is the law, or at least the way it is currently interpreted by most of the courts. The items in your house or your car can be replaced, but the life or arm or leg of the person you hurt or killed cannot be replaced. No matter how disgusting that person might be to normal civilized people.

My apologies to everyone, including Nightingale, this post is just to make people think.

Yes Train hard, be prepared to do what it takes, but realize that many times if you saw it coming you should have walked away.

Have a nice and safe day



PS - Remember these are only my opinions and you are more than entitled but encouraged to have your own.
Excellent post Mr. Parsons. We see too many things wrapped up in one hour on TV--it's complicated out there though.
Originally posted by PAUL

I fully agree!!!

Now Rich, lets go to the post bar this weekend, have a few beers, drive down to Arnisador, and let Arnisador show us how to beat on us drunks! :rofl: :drinkbeer :cheers: :ultracool


I would love to go to the bar and then go visit Arnisador. Except this weekend is out. I am packing for a work trip that will have me gone for two weeks as of Monday the 15th.

Real exciting to me this trip. I get to go around the world. :D

Detroit to Frankfurt Germany, Drive to Turin Italy, Fly back to Frankfurt then fly from Germany to Nagoya Japan for the second week and then fly
home from Nagoya to Detroit.

Now, if I just don't meet myself coming or going in the other direction. :rofl:

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

When was the last time you killed a human being or thought you had killed someone? Did You throw up right afterwards, or was it hours later. Did it come naturally to take the life of another? I used to think a long time ago, I could do anything and take on anyone and deal with the issues later. Have you dropped someone on their head so they were unconscious and not breathing. Did you then try to keep the spine and neck as straight as possible and then to clear the throat of their tongue? Or would you have just walked away. For walking away could be made to look real bad for the 12 and then you could still be carried by six in some states.

when I was attacked, I hung around long enough to make sure the guy had a pulse and was still breathing. At the time of the attack, I wasn't scared, because I wasn't thinking. I was just reacting. I got scared after I got in my car and drove a few miles down the freeway and started thinking about all the "what ifs." I then pulled into a well lit parking lot, proceeded to have a panic attack, pulled myself together and drove home.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

when I was attacked, I hung around long enough to make sure the guy had a pulse and was still breathing. At the time of the attack, I wasn't scared, because I wasn't thinking. I was just reacting. I got scared after I got in my car and drove a few miles down the freeway and started thinking about all the "what ifs." I then pulled into a well lit parking lot, proceeded to have a panic attack, pulled myself together and drove home.


I am glad you survivied the encounter.

My Best wishes.

Heres an alternative strategy......Run!!! if possible. The drunk most likley has friends with him.

I have yet to see a drunk capable of running without falling over.

Im not the fastest guy in the world but a drunk makes me look like Carl Lewis.

If there is no chance of getting away a good side kick to the Knee will certainly slow him down.:eek:

Avoidance is best .....why go to jail for a drunken loser???