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<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
With all the Holidays in full movement over the next 6 weeks what do you do to keep your student and family together and how do you help them from over stuffing this time of year.

How much fighting does family your family have with you over the amount of time you spend at the school compared to what you spend with them.

Do you have friends that just do not understand why you are still doing MA over the holiday?
With all the Holidays in full movement over the next 6 weeks what do you do to keep your student and family together and how do you help them from over stuffing this time of year.

I skip one meal any day I eat a major meal - for example, because I had a friend come over who had to be at work at 4:00, we ate at noon - but I ate so much that I skipped dinner.

How much fighting does family your family have with you over the amount of time you spend at the school compared to what you spend with them.

It's just me and the dog at my house - and he doesn't argue; he just looks mournful every time I leave.

Do you have friends that just do not understand why you are still doing MA over the holiday?

Friends? No... they've known me too long. I did have a student who asked if she had to come to class over the session break (I keep teaching during the 2-3 weeks the Y doesn't run classes over Christmas and New Year's, because too many students don't come back over a break that long) - but she's 11, and just tested for the first time a couple of weeks ago. The rest of my students just nodded, thanked me, and started telling me when they'd be out of town. My mother will probably say something when I go to teach while she's here, but she'll get over it.
I just try to be a good example to them by eating sensible and working hard. I also try to keep in touch with everybody at least in a minimum amount. My wife is my assistant instructor, so she is with me all the time. When everyone knows that the MA are a way of life for us, they will understand why and how much you train.

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