Giving Thanks

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Thanksgiving is almost here. A holiday to spend time with family and friends and hopefully remember the things in life we are thankful for.

So, what are you thankful for?

Me; I'm thankful for the people in my life who let me be me, who love me for who I am. I'm thankful for my two wonderful children. I'm thankful to have people to spend the holiday with. I'm thankful for a warm home. I'm thankful for my virtual friends here on MT. And I'm thankful for all that yummy food I'm gonna eat on Thursday. :D
I'm thankful that on Thanksgiving day I celebrate my 32nd anniversary with the peson who makes me whole, and we will be surrounded by family and friends as we sit down to celebrate the holiday.

I'm thankful that we raised two independent, intelligent and caring kids that we are very proud of.

I'm thankful that I am physically able to continue training, and dancing, that I can sit on the floor and stand up unassisted.

I'm thankful that I have a job, that I have a place to live and enough food to eat, for the people I call friends both virtual and real.

I'm a very lucky man with alot to be thankful for, I have enough of what I need, with a little more to give to those that aren't as fortunate. I'm comfortable and content with my life, but not so satisfied that I don't want to better it. I have a great support system for when things don't go so well. I'm also lucky enough to realize how lucky I am and not let the small inconviences and setbacks bother me too much.
Thanks for starting this thread!

I have a habit of counting blessings most nights as I drift off to sleep; the list always starts with "my basic needs are met." A dependable shelter and food supply, wonderful family human and otherwise, stimulating activities to keep me engaged, and my health. In the grand scheme it's nothing to take for granted.

This year I also give thanks in advance for my safe arrival back home next week. And of course that I have a home to go to. I don't like it very much, but it's still a blessing and it's important to bear in mind all the millions (maybe even billions?) who can't say that.

Personally I think an important part of gratitude is taking active steps to reach out to those who don't enjoy the blessings I do. I volunteer a lot for different charities.
That I have a lovely wife and 2 even lovelier daughters who have stolen my heart. That even though we aren't rich, we have no money problems. That we are all healthy. That my wife and I have stable jobs. That I don't have problems preventing me from practising martial arts.

Of course we don't celebrate thanksgiving in Europe (Christmas is the most comparable) but I like the idea.

Oh and I would like to thank the scots for having invented Malt Whisky. And the French for having invented Cognac.
I am Thankful for my Family and friends, I am also thankful that GOD has allowed me to be here another year. I wish to say thank you to all of you here on Martial Talk for hearing me and replying to all my threads, this is truely the best site on the web. :asian:
My son left just before Christmas 2008 to spend a year in a very dangerous place. He stayed safe and will be home soon, for this I am thankful. My Mom is 91 years old and going strong, for this I am thankful. My health is good, my wife is my best friend, I work my day job with my in-laws, and we still get along after 23 years, I have met some life long friends in martial arts, and for all of this I am grateful and thankful. There are many people on this web site that are always there when a kind word or an up lifting is needed, for this I say thank you.
I'm too shy to talk here about the things I'm grateful for.

But I always feel lucky, every day. Ever since I spent time in Central Africa and saw real poverty, saw civil war, saw children living in the streets like packs of dogs because their parents had been killed...I saw crippled people begging, I saw one tribe of people treated like slaves by another, I saw leprosy up close and personal.

I am lucky. No matter how bad I think my life gets, I AM LUCKY.
Well, I'm thankful for my family and friends. They always give me their unconditional love and support, despite the fact that I'm not always deserving, as I can be quite a pita. Without them nothing else matters. My two boys are everything to me.

I'm also thankful for the people here on the board. I learn something from all of you in one way or another. I've gotten some of the best advice and support from the people here.
Bob puts up with my crap and doesn't ban me, and Pam is always there for me when I need to vent, or whatever. I think she understands me, lol. Carol has given me some of the best advice at times when I really needed it. Georgia, thanks for the support and advice with the kids autism, we both know how stressful it is. JKS, THANKS MAN!
Mark (kidswarrior), what can I say, your a class act. Xue, I still think about that PM and appreciate it very much. I can go on and on.
The strange thing is, I've never met any of these people! I've talked to Bob on the phone once.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
Right upstairs are Mom, Dad, and my sister who's home for Thanksgiving that I'm thankful for, curled up a mere two feet from my keyboard is my furry pal Buddy who turns 19 months old tomorrow, who keeps me sane for which I'm thankful, and there are a great many brave and selfless men and women overseas right now who cannot be with their families this weekend for whose sacrifice I am also grateful. There are many other things I'm grateful for, but my space is limited. :-)
I'm thankful that my mother went to peace this year - her suffering was difficult to witness given her prior strong countenance.

I'm thankful and humbled that my son lived through his life-threatening ordeal last summer. Some people I know were not so blessed and lost their children this year. All love to those families.

I'm thankful for the friends in my life who stayed with me through the hardest damn times in my life without fail regardless of my own personal failings and struggling to cope. You all are what real friendship is and to say I owe you can't come close to how I feel.

I'm thankful for the family I have left and the man who calls me his wife. We've been through hell thus far and he's still around ... I guess we can make it through damn near anything now.

I'm thankful for the community here that challenges me in various ways and befriends me even without a face.

I'm thankful for the air going in and out of my lungs and the heartbeat still going in my chest.

I guess I'm thankful for that and a lot more.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I'm thankful for many things. I feel God has really blessed me this year. I'm thankful that my husband and I can spend our first Thanksgiving together. I'm thankful we have a nice little apartment in a safe neighborhood. I'm thankful to have loving friends and family around us. There are many other things, but these are the top.

I am thankful the God has privileged me to be part of His family and that I can sit down to eat tonight with my loved ones, who are all healthy. I am also thankful to be able to come here and share my thoughts every so often with people of martial minds, who seem to understand. Bless you Bob
I'm thankful for that my and son are with me, both healthy; that my stepfather is healthy; that my teaching partner is healthy; that I have a class of solid dedicated students.
I'm thankful 1st for my family & friends as well as my M.A. friends/piers on Martial Talk.

Also that Bob is keeping the site together & we haven't had any gliches lately, thats always helpful...

For my opportunity to train in the M.A.'s that I have had the chance to encounter as they have truly changed my life for the better.

For being a live obviously thats a good thing.

& for everything else that I take for granted everyday, this makes for a good time to expound on those things & learn to appreciate people & circumstances more often despite struggles or joys.

Have a great thanksgiving! I guess it should be thanksgiving everyday : )

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