Females eat more sweets than males?

I think what it is really saying is women are all Rats.

Wait... uh...

Feisty Mouse said:
...I must use that the next time one of my professors asks a question I don't know the answer to....now...to learn how to pronounce it...
I believe it is a noise that comes from deep within the person, and crescendos in an exclamation of...something.
Oh My Gosh! I just found this thread - how could i have missed it - containing two of my favorite food groups!!! CHOCOLATE AND ICE CREAM!!!!

I am on South Beach right now and these two are virtually taboo!!!! But I am smart!!!! I have found low carb chocolate by russell stover and low carb ice cream (baskin robbins). Mint Chocolate Chip!!!! Oh Yes! I will not be defeated!

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now if they made a chocolate steak with ice cream on top that would be just perfect!! Puuurrrrffffeeecctttt!

Donna :ultracool