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I do both barefoot and with shoes. Shoes have to be dedicated soft sole martial-art type shoes.
Hi, I am knew to the forum, but would like to weigh in with my opinion.

I always train in shoes, whether regular sneakers or sometimes even boots. The type of footwear I would wear in the street (though not the actual footwear I wear in the street for sanitary purposes).

I trained for many years in just wrestling shoes, this is just like training in barefeet as far as mobility and kicking goes. Wrestling shoes (or any light footwear) does not provide the same weight that a regular sneaker, or shoe would provide. That extra weight changes your mobility and the speed and structure of a kick.

The way you move your feet in wreslting shoes on an even dojo mat is a lot different then the way you would move in regular sneakers or Timberlines in an uneven parking lot. Also, kicking in barefeet and with wreslting shoes, you are kicking with the ball of the foot instead of the point of the shoe, which you would use if kicking with shoes on.

Just my .02 cents,

Mike Att
I should note I train in Judo and Hapkido not kenpo, but I train in my TKD shoes. The Minor Inside Reap hurts more in shoes, and it doesn't hurt as much when people step on my feet. And it really helps in grappling. Bruises=fun!
In TKD I train barefooted because I keep my tonenails painted and it's great to watch their suprise when my foot hits their face!
In TKD I train barefooted because I keep my tonenails painted and it's great to watch their suprise when my foot hits their face!

The only time I kick someone in the face is when they are on the ground...and there are no witnesses. ;)
Originally posted by Mike Att

Hi, I am knew to the forum, but would like to weigh in with my opinion.

I trained for many years in just wrestling shoes, this is just like training in barefeet as far as mobility and kicking goes.
Mike Att

Did you ever get embarassed training in just shoes? Me, I know no body wants to see me train in just shoes :eek:

(humor, I hope)

I know, I know "I'll kick you in the head, but I'll never kick above the waist". On the street I live that dictum. In sport however, two points beats one point anyday. And if I knock em down, three points. You do the math kiddies.
THis probably belongs in humor and not here but what the heck...
Back when I was a Ni-Dan with a chip on my shoulder I used to write "Duck!" on the bottom of my foot before sparring....
Along those same lines, and the same time frame, one night I walked into the dojo where some of the kids (15-18 yo) had one of the underbelts who was about 6'4" holding a punching target over his head for them to kick it. Well, there was "something" between me and this particular guy at the time. So, when my 5'8" frame walked in the door he looked right at me and said "Sensei, I'll bet you 20 bucks you can't kick this pad."
I said, "It's a bet!". He held it all the way over his head as I calmyly walked up to him and blasted him with a full front kick to the stomach, I then walked over to where he dropped the pad and kicked it and said "Pay up!" He and I shortly thereafter mended our differences and became good friends. And yes, he paid me.
he looked right at me and said "Sensei", I'll bet you 20 bucks you can't kick this pad.I said, "It's a bet!". He held it all the way over his head as I calmyly walked up to him and blasted him with a full front kick to the stomach, I then walked over to where he dropped the pad and kicked it and said "Pay up!"

And the wiseness of the teacher is shown once again.

Funny Seig :rofl: :rofl:

Originally posted by tunetigress
Ack, that's worse than a Junior High 'locker check!

Speaking of checks. The first few times I worked with some of my friend's student's at his school I would ask who was wearing a cup before I'd kick, rip, smack, punch their groin. After that I started asking who was wearing a cup after I had already smacked a guy in the groin who I KNEW was wearing a cup. Then I stopped. Now when I walk onto the floor it's kinda funny how many of them excuse themselves for a moment to go get their cups on. Being the grumpy person I am I wait until they come back. Inside I'm laughing, but I never show it. Heh heh heh

Of course I don't show up to every class so it's crap shoot for them. Many of them have either taken to wearing it all the time or at least bringing it all the time. I always tell the story of how their instructor cracked my jock with a kick at a Planas seminar. That usually starts people on the road to wearing them.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I always tell the story of how their instructor cracked my jock with a kick at a Planas seminar. That usually starts people on the road to wearing them.

That's what did it for me! :)
I may be mean, but it's 20 bucks I didn't have before!:angel:
And after that he started listening to what I was trying to teach him. Rule #1 of a street encounter, go home when it's done.
When we do the systema class, we have to take our cups off.
We're told it's so you learn to move your body out of the harms way. I find it uncomfortable cause I'm use to wearing one in class, but you don't usually wear one on the street so I see the point.

Originally posted by Klondike93

When we do the systema class, we have to take our cups off.
We're told it's so you learn to move your body out of the harms way, but you don't usually wear one on the street so I see the point.


Again, yes that is true but you also don't put your snooks (groin package) on the line intentionally either. Since you are "training" it adds an element of protection in the event you don't block or someone pulls of a good move in there. Safety equipment was made for a reason, I realize that they want you not to "depend" on a cup or other gear either however, even with a cup I don't know about you but if you get hit there it is still uncomfortable (even with the new and improved larger cups that are fur lined (in the old days I had to make a custom cup - blend 2 together to get the proper size).

So wear your cup so you can practice every day..... one slip and you lose a nard or you are out for days........ Use the correct head man!! LOL:rofl:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Again, yes that is true but you also don't put your snooks (groin package) on the line intentionally either. Since you are "training" it adds an element of protection in the event you don't block or someone pulls of a good move in there. Safety equipment was made for a reason, I realize that they want you not to "depend" on a cup or other gear either however, even with a cup I don't know about you but if you get hit there it is still uncomfortable (even with the new and improved larger cups that are fur lined (in the old days I had to make a custom cup - blend 2 together to get the proper size).

So wear your cup so you can practice every day..... one slip and you lose a nard or you are out for days........ Use the correct head man!! LOL:rofl:


After I had been learning Kenpo for about 2 months, I met my instructors teacher, he had popped into the school for a visit and stayed, to instruct for a while. We were learning 'Sword & Hammer'. Anyhoo, when he hammered he managed to ping me right on the end of..... well... you know...
Seeing the expression on my face, :erg:, he asks, "aren't you wearing a box?" (that's what we call cups in Aust.)
I said, "No sir"
He said, "GET ONE!!" and pinged me again.
Next class, I had one. :erg:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Again, yes that is true but you also don't put your snooks (groin package) on the line intentionally either. Since you are "training" it adds an element of protection in the event you don't block or someone pulls of a good move in there. Safety equipment was made for a reason, I realize that they want you not to "depend" on a cup or other gear either however, even with a cup I don't know about you but if you get hit there it is still uncomfortable (even with the new and improved larger cups that are fur lined (in the old days I had to make a custom cup - blend 2 together to get the proper size).

So wear your cup so you can practice every day..... one slip and you lose a nard or you are out for days........ Use the correct head man!! LOL:rofl:


I agree with what you say GD, I don't like taking the thing off cause I don't trust anybody. I always wear one and try like crazy to get out of the way of something directed that direction.

I'm also a believer in contact when learning a technique. You have to hit to know what it feels like hitting the required target.
I don't mean blasting the target either, just making contact.

I like to keep the jewels firmly locked away for safety. In actuality my wife keeps them for me and only lets them out for special occaisons:rofl:
Originally posted by Bonehead

I like to keep the jewels firmly locked away for safety. In actuality my wife keeps them for me and only lets them out for special occaisons:rofl:

Hey, I think I resemble that remark too.....:rofl:


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