Favourite Move


Master of Arts
Okay I don't think has been done before, but what is your favourite structure in wing chun?

I don't mean techniques, but more like bong sao, tan sao, etc or a single move (bil sao, tai gerk, etc)

Please try and describe the technique as well as I am aware that people spell things differently

If you know the English translation that would also be fantastic

Gentleman, start your engines
My favourite structures are Tan Sau and Bong Sau , I like the aggressive and invasive nature of the Tan Sau and the ability of the Bong Sau to turn away huge amounts of incoming force with out effort (when you can do it properly that is).

It's not that I hate the Fook Sau it's just that it seems a lot more harder to master than the other two structures and we do tend to like the things we are good at which is to our detriment .
in my limtied experience i have enjoyed success with bong dropped into a forceful tan,almost pushing them away to striking distance

and one i wanna get good at is offering the elbow,as they touch it eithr tan or pak it form underneath leaving the elbow bent and in place to chop the incoming opponent.

or forward driving bong whilst smashing the wedding tackle with open palm....... not sure if thats my fave or most feared at being on the end of..:(

i,m sure i,ll add loads more as i learn more
