I may have started a similar topic before but I'm minded to discuss it again. I have a very promising girl in my class right now. She's only been with me about 8 months but shows technical maturity way beyond her time. It's obvious she pays attention to instruction and that she works on it at home a great deal. Her parent is very involved - comes to every practice and often asks for permission to video the class for reinforcement at home or asks politely after class for clarification on a particular point.
In other words, they are ideal students/parents and I can't resist jumping back flips to help them any way I can. So much so, that I think others have noticed.
Good or bad? As in most cases, I know my course of action. I am just curious what you all think and have deliberately been somewhat vague to let you be free to write what you will.
In other words, they are ideal students/parents and I can't resist jumping back flips to help them any way I can. So much so, that I think others have noticed.
Good or bad? As in most cases, I know my course of action. I am just curious what you all think and have deliberately been somewhat vague to let you be free to write what you will.