My favorite movie fight scene is from the movie: EL CID (1961) starring Charleston Heston, where Heston must fight the opposing king's champion in an arena, c. 1400s, for total control of mid-Spain.
After Heston is knocked off his horse during a joust, he gets clobbered by the champion with a chain mace, but is saved by his armor. The knight gets knocked off his horse by Heston, and Heston defends himself against a brutal attack with a broadsword.
Getting his shield knocked out of his hands, and looking a bit ragged and on the verge of defeat, Heston picks up and defends himself with the wooden saddle off the dead horse, blocking some incredibly savage blows from his opponents broadsword, which reduces the size of the wooden saddle bit by bit with each blow.
Heston eventually wins the battle by killing the king's champion with an axe. What a gritty and realistic battle scene. I bet Charleston Heston picked up a few bruises on this one.