Favorite movie fight scene?

I love the fight scene between Jackie Chan and Benny Uquidez "The rematch" in DRAGONS FOREVER. One of my all time favorite martial arts fight scenes.
Hmmmm... Favorite fight scenes:

-The first fight scene in "Blade" where he breaks up the rave.

-Bruce Leroy vs. the Shogun of Harlem at the end of "The Last Dragon"

- Most of the fight scenes in Mortal Kombat I, excluding anything with Johnny Cage or Sonya. :D

-Last scene with the Capoeira demonstration in the school in "Only the Strong"
damn, I forgot about Wesley. the Blood Rave was really good scene. the opening fights of him running down the hallway and kicking the arses of the three vamps in Blade 2 was extremely nice...but I guess I'm being impartial cause there's an EPAK tech. in it. :)
Phoenix44 said:
Do they really promote Tae Bo as "self-defense"?
Isn't that what she said she did in the movie while they were fighting?
Chrono said:
Isn't that what she said she did in the movie while they were fighting?
I really think that was just for comedy though. ;)
I cannot believe that no one mentioned the park scene in Billy Jack.....

Mark Dacascos was great in Brotherhood of the Wolf
Dolph Lundgren in Showdown in Little Tokyo
The final sword fight in the orignal Highlander
I enjoyed the stick fight in Rambo 3
there are many more......
Since you guys have named most of the good ones, I'll try some unconventional ones that aren't named.
-The last fight scene in Drive. Little bit, WuShu, little bit FMA and a lot of style.
-I loved some of the gun fight scenes from Way of the Gun.
-The alley scene from Big Trouble in Little China. Kukris and big hats.
-The pen fight in Bourne Identity. All hail Guru Dan.
-Trapping sequence in Rapid Fire
-The hit in the hotel by DeNiro in Heat. Too smooth, but then again he IS Bobby DeNiro.
-The fire scene in Iron Monkey. Wirey but fun.
-The final scene from Thundering Mantis, Mantis drinks blood out of the arm he ripped off the bad guy.
-Riddick vs aliens in Pitch Black
-Samurai Jack vs Aku's spider/beetle robots in begging of 1st season.
-The viking duel in 13th Warrior.
-Christo's fight in Desperado
-Cusak and the Jet in Grosse Point Blank
-Skeleton hands vs Ashe in the graveyard in Army of Darkness
-Bob Barker vs Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore
-Seige of Minas-Tirith in ROTK.
Fist of Legend: the fight between Funakoshi Fumio and Chan Zhen ( Jet Li)

The saber duel from The Duellists (wonderful movie, BTW)
Also the 70's Three/Four Musketeers

Way of the Gun particularly the last scene with the all the one handed reloading
Blindside said:
Fist of Legend: the fight between Funakoshi Fumio and Chan Zhen ( Jet Li)
All of the fighting scenes in that movie were top notch. My favorite is the first one, while Chan Zhen is in the school in Japan.
SEIG - you beat me to it! The fight scene in the park; Billy Jack whipping on rednecks - I will always remember that as the movie that got me interested in MA.

I really enjoyed Jeff Speakman in THE PERFECT WEAPON. It made it even better meeting him at his camp two years ago.

some more good ones:

-the swordfight in Captain Blood (old, old Errol Flynn movie)
-The Last Man Standing; several good "shoot-em-up's" in that one.
-Braveheart, need I say more?
-Open Range ("are you the one who shot our friend? yeah, BANG")
Littledragon said:
I see you are not a Seagal fan..
As a martial artist, I respect his knowledge and ability; as an actor, I have enjoyed many of his movies; but as a human being he is a complete and total disgrace to the human race.
Blindside said:
Fist of Legend: the fight between Funakoshi Fumio and Chan Zhen ( Jet Li)

The saber duel from The Duellists (wonderful movie, BTW)
Also the 70's Three/Four Musketeers

Way of the Gun particularly the last scene with the all the one handed reloading
Have you seen the Musketeer? The fights and sword work in are fantatsic.
Ronin Moose said:
SEIG - you beat me to it! The fight scene in the park; Billy Jack whipping on rednecks - I will always remember that as the movie that got me interested in MA.

I really enjoyed Jeff Speakman in THE PERFECT WEAPON. It made it even better meeting him at his camp two years ago.

Billy Jack was the beginning for me too, I was three......
Have you seen the Musketeer? The fights and sword work in are fantatsic.

Too much wire work for me, I like my fights semi-realistic. Fist of Legend may be my favorite martial art movie, but I hate the "Once Upon a Time" series of movies.


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