Favorite Moment in Martial Arts!!!

My favorite moment was when I got my black belt. However I must say I have more than a favorite moment, the achievement of my second dan it's another wonderful moment.

This is my favorite moment:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course if you Mean in real life,.........

Then it's everytime I take Lil' Tiger to the DoJang :D :D :D
Getting my black belt. I had been sick with the flu for weeks, I was as nervous as Ive ever been in my life and failing just wasnt an option. When my name was called out to receive my belt the feeling was one of complete relief and excitement. I managed to get a photo of myself, my instructor and the GM straight after which was a huge buzz as the logistics of getting that photo amidst all the chaos meant it was almost impossible to get. We all went out that night and had a huge feed of korean food and soju. I will never forget that day.
We all went out that night and had a huge feed of korean food and soju. I will never forget that day.[/quote]

If you still remember it, you must not have had enough soju. :mst:
That does sound like a fantastic memory for you. Congratulations & I hope you have many many more like it!
We all went out that night and had a huge feed of korean food and soju. I will never forget that day.

If you still remember it, you must not have had enough soju. :mst:
That does sound like a fantastic memory for you. Congratulations & I hope you have many many more like it![/quote]Im always careful these days when on the sojus because I had some very big nights on it in the past.
For me it was not one single moment but instead it was several. The first being when Zachary told me he wanted to be like me and his grandfather and do martial arts for as long as he could, the next would be when my other two sons told me almost the same thing. The last moment was when I knew I did not have to proof anything to anybody else, that is when I finally figure out it was more than just fighting.
Having my children join me in the journey and achieving black belt level, with one continuing to train to master level. Not just my own children, but all my students I've taught seeing them reach their potiential and do well.
Too many to single out one particular thing.

Getting my black belt.

Having my Master Instructor give me his old IV dan black belt when I promoted to IV dan.

Having my instructors tell me I've been like a son to them over the years.

Having my kids watch me when I practice at home and beginning to teach my daughter.

Meeting Gen. Choi once during a seminar. He was 73 at the time and when I first saw him I was, to be honest, a bit disappointed since he decidely didn't look like he was a Korean superman when he walked in. Then he got out on the floor to demonstrate technique. I can honestly say that I have seen very few people generate more power than he did and he was in slacks, a dress shirt and dress shoes. Very impressive.

There are many, many more things that I remember from the past 24 years but these are some of the high lights.


I've had a bunch. But the one that sticks in my mind the most was following a testing where one of my students made 2nd Degree. She started with us as an incredibly shy young girl; we practically had to pry her off mom's leg to get her out on the floor for her first class. She made that 2nd Degree testing look easy; did everything we asked her to do with quality technique and a wonderful attitude.

After the testing bowed out, we were talking to the students and shaking hands and congratulating everyone and her parents came up. They wanted a picture of us with their daughter and her mom started to say something and suddenly just started bawling and hugging us. She got herself under control and told us, "Thank you for what you have done for my daughter." And we started bawling.

That is why I teach. I've never made a penny out of my school. It runs at a loss and I pay the difference out of my own pocket because of the change for the better that we can make in people's lives.
I've had a bunch. But the one that sticks in my mind the most was following a testing where one of my students made 2nd Degree. She started with us as an incredibly shy young girl; we practically had to pry her off mom's leg to get her out on the floor for her first class. She made that 2nd Degree testing look easy; did everything we asked her to do with quality technique and a wonderful attitude.

After the testing bowed out, we were talking to the students and shaking hands and congratulating everyone and her parents came up. They wanted a picture of us with their daughter and her mom started to say something and suddenly just started bawling and hugging us. She got herself under control and told us, "Thank you for what you have done for my daughter." And we started bawling.

That is why I teach. I've never made a penny out of my school. It runs at a loss and I pay the difference out of my own pocket because of the change for the better that we can make in people's lives.

How old was the young lady? My daughter is testing for her 2nd degree this month (16 years old). She got her first @ 12 1/2.
I don't have any favorites that are from myself anymore. Now I just enjoy watching the kids do their thing. That is all kids. I am proud and love watching my own kids but I also get joy out of watching all kids. The best moments are when they try so hard to impress you. Then when you give that thumbs up or high-five they just light up.
Winning my first BJJ tournament after 3 tough matches that went to overtime.
Here are three of many:

1. Hearing the crowd go absolutely ape-**** WILD when my kids did their weapons katas at the school talent show. I'm talking screaming like they were the Beatles. It was awesome.

2. Having one of my little bitty (age 4) white belts hug my leg at her first tournament while she was waiting to go in to spar, look up into my eyes, and say "I LOVE KARATE!!!" then return to watching every move of the kids sparring in the ring. Made me tear up.

3. Having two of my other little bitty white belts, who happen to be twins, touch gloves after their practice sparring match and yell "good match" at each other through their mouthguards. It had the whole classroom rolling with laughter.
My favorite moment is from a parents perspective and it is competition focused.

I very proud of what my daughter has accomplished! She has had quite a bit of success.

My son had allot of success early winning Nationals etc....His success has been more limited over the last 2 years. Loosing in the quarterfinals @ the last two Nationals. I have never heard him complain or even offer an excuse. He works as hard today as when he would go 1 year without losing.

The only thing that he has ever said is this..."Everyone is getting better! I need to train harder"!!!!

This is my favorite moment in Martial Arts. If he never wins another fight the fact that he has learned this is worth more than any Tournament Victory.
I hope you chaps don't mind some non-TKD memories adding in to the mix?

I have several 'favourite' moments in my martial arts career, which one is my particular favourite at a given moment changes depending on the particular mood of reflection I am in :D.

Getting my MJER Iaido Shodan, Nidan and Sandan were all special moments. My Sandan especially as I had no idea whatsoever that it was coming, I just thought I was helping out at a seminar by instructing the other Nidan's that were there (oblivious to the fact that my sensei and the other seniors of the organisation were actually assessing me!).

From my old Lau Gar days, I suppose my 'favourite' moment is also my moment of greatest shame as it was when I found out, in the only way that counts, that what I had learned truly worked.

At present my favourite moment has to be from a couple of weeks back when we did a demonstration at a local school fete. We were outside, on a football (soccer) pitch, in the rain being watched by only a couple of dozen people (well, maybe 50, hard to tell when outside). I was felling a bit sorry for myself in the cirumstances, getting my expensive kit (and sword!) wet and dirty.

Then I saw this little lad, maybe 6 years old, perhaps younger, watching us open mouthed from behind the barrier rope, with his face radiant in an expression of "This is the bestest thing EVARR!"

Completely made my day and rinsed away any thoughts of my dissatisfaction with our circumstances.