Fav Tsd form and the Tsd Form you dislike the most

I've been training in TSD for almost 20 years and I can honestly say that in my experience, most peopl's (including mine) least favorite hyung is Pyung Ahn Sam Dan...that said. there is still a lot of valuable stuff in that form.

A lot of it can be thought about as if you wre being grabbed and breaking away:

example: spear hand, someone grabs it as defense, you spin out and execute backfist...

later: crescent kicks with hand at hips, elbows out: possibly someone grabbing both arms from behind while aother erson attacks from front, possibly grabbing..try it, if done right, the moves will free you from both attackers..

That said, my favorites are, in the following order:

1. Kong Sang Koon
2. Bassai (Dai)
3. Jindo
4. Jion

I agree with the favorite list. Particularly if Kong Sang Koon is the same as a form I know as KuSanKu. I think that KuSanKu done well may be the single most mesmerizing form developed.
demo'd by Master Bill Odom. Sadly, I think the best version is by GM James K. Roberts Jr. and I don't think a public video of it exists.
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