Fathers Day, 2008


Senior Master
With the holiday coming up, been a nice time for reflection. What are some of your favorite memories of your father? what made him special to you?

This will be my first fathers day as an actual father... a nice change :)
For me it was all the long hours teaching me the Art in Martial Art and the ever lasting lesson od giving back what we ourself have learned, may he rest in Peace.

Happy Father day to all father around the world.:asian:
Couple of years ago my older brother and I were discussing our father. My brother reflected (as a father himself) about what all that man had done for me and him. All the vacations that we took together, the places we visited, the people we met and all of the things that he worked hard as a linotype printer for the biggest newspaper in whatever city we happened to be living in, to ensure that we'd have a hellva Christmas morning or what we asked for he did his best.
All the times that the two of us screwed up (individually and collectively) and how he still loved and forgiven us (after whipping our asses red-=- which ensured that we didn't do THAT again!!).

In short the conversation summed up that he was a great Dad.

As a man I learned from my father the subtleties of diplomacy and moving in/out of political circles (which are EVERYWHERE!). But doing so with integrity and with honesty and unselfishly. I think that if my father weren't deaf he'd been a helluva politician. In some ways he was but not on a city/state/national government level... though he met with each frequently to champion the rights of the Deaf.

Now he's 82 and blind and still fighting. Championing the rights of the Deaf/Blind community to have better than what they've had before in years past.

A fighter, that's my dad. :asian:
Always loved fishing with my father when I was a kid. One of my favorite things. It's really too bad how times change. Memories may be a blessing, but man...they can suck sometimes. Wouldn't trade them for anything, though.
Well like every fathers day (since I have been a father) I will likly be mowing lawns. So my wife my daughters my mother and my father can sit in the AC later tell me I should have had a son to mow lawns for me :D
With the holiday coming up, been a nice time for reflection. What are some of your favorite memories of your father? what made him special to you?

Favorite memories... my father could never remember fairy tales, but as an English professor, he knew quite a bit about mythology - so even when I was too old for bedtime stories, I could go with him to walk the dog, and he would tell me stories from Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology.
My dad was a lot of fun... he would always be willing to get down on the floor and play when I was a kid. Whenever there was a need for a coach or something, he would step up. He coached baseball, Royal Rangers (church variant of Boy Scouts) and helped drive one of the choirs I was in.

He even refinanced his house to afford my sisters wedding!

Now that I have my own son, I can understand how hard it was to come home after a tough days work and play ping pong or basketball for hours with me :)