Happy Father's Day!


Senior Master
Lifetime Supporting Member
For those great MA fathers out there, you know who you are, who really try to be "there" for your kids! Have a good day!

To YOU from your child:

There's no SUB for you.

You're my HERO.

You deserve my highest CONDIMENTS.

So for FATHER'S DAY have all the fun, you can MUSTARD,

Or KETCHUP on your sleep.

(No BUN intended)

Happy Father's Day! :-partyon:
I like to wish my dad a happy fathers day because he's always been thir for me and believed. HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD!

:-partyon: :-partyon: :boing2:
To the following men who have touched my life in one fatherly way or another:

God, my heavenly father ('nuf said);

William, my earthly father, who never gave up and kept his mouth shut and trusted I would learn the truth in time;

Michael, the biological father of my first two children;

Kim, the real father to my first two children and father to my third;

Carmen, who fathers me in a whole different way.
I would like to add to this lovely list -

to my Dad, who, although we haven't always understood each other, he always wants me to be happy, and strong

to my gurus and sifus, who all happen to be men, and take care of me and of all their students

to the men who have encouraged me in my academic pursuits throughout the years as well.