Which is why if a Teenager commits a crime resulting in death he may be charged in that Homicide. It does not matter if you don't know the laws its if you break them that matter. Just because I don't know all the statues of certain law does not mean I can say
"well I did not know I could not do that your honor."
Yes it does. You have a skewed view of the legal definition of “lethal force”. First, it is subjective (as are most terms in the legal system, or at least the application of them). I’m a bit surprised by your willingness to play both judge and jury by issuing your own definition of lethal force, as well as judge and jury as to the intent of the child being bullied. Lethal force is most commonly defined as “the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death…”
For you to apply the term “lethal force” to this action means either you do not understand the term, or you are 1.) asserting that one child throwing another on the ground is likely to cause serious injury and death, that 2.) the child doing the throwing knew that it would cause serious injury and death and 3.) that he intended for it to cause serious injury and death. I’m sorry, but that is way to many presumptions for me to get behind. Lastly, I don’t think that slam is LIKELY to cause death. Could it? Yes, but so could, and has, a right cross.
I am afraid tit for tat does not work in this case. Like I said earlier if someone punches you every day for 2 years you can not shoot him dead that woud be murder and most likely it would have been premeditated murder considering the length of time prior that may have lead you to shoot that person.
Again, your insistence in drawing a parallel between one child throwing a bully on the ground and one adult shooting another adult in retaliation to a punch is surprising and frankly, silly. Additionally, if an adult hits me, and I can show cause that I felt my life (and in some states, property) were in danger, than yes I can shoot the attacker. As any cop or lawyer will tell you, your only statement after taking the life of another in self defense is “I was afraid for my life…. I want my lawyer”.
I say lethal because he had him in his grip to stop him from punching and he had the time to think about his actions or what to do he choose to slam him on the floor. That means he had intent and the intent was lethal. The kid was wobbling means there is a good chance he may have had a concussion.
This is simply nonsensical. I’m glad you thought he had time I the .5 seconds it took him to slam the kid to have a logical debate about the potential physical risks to his bully, and then decided consciously to go ahead and try to kill the bully. However, your “thinking” that’s what happened isn’t good enough. As to a concussion… um so? Yes, they can be dangerous, but they happen all the time in most any sport.
I have been bullied too I am sure everyone has at some point. You can be assertive and find ways to deal with your bully without resulting in lethal force or causing great bodily harm that may cause paralysis or death.
Broad generalizations, and again the assumption that 1.) this was lethal force and 2.) great bodily harm was done. Personally, the fact that no report of injuries to the bully have been revealed (to my knowledge) indicates there werenÂ’t anyÂ… .negating your argument anyways.
I also said if you have to fight then fight but use only the amount of force needed to end the conflict body slam on head is excessive.
He didnÂ’t slam him head first. You can guarantee the exact move or technique that will end a fight? you must have an INCREDIBLE ability to read opponents. The fact that this kid walked away immediately upon realizing he ended the fight shows his intent and restraint. He did exactly what you accused him of failing to do.
Replace Body slam with Gun and make your arguement.
I donÂ’t have to, because there was no gun, and the two are not even remotely equal. Besides that, your attempts at comparing the two are fallacious.
Do you sympathize with the kids from Columbine and blame the people who bullied them
or do you think they could have found other alternatives that did not involved killing 12 students.
I donÂ’t know enough about them to sympathize, but if they were bullied for years, then yes. You confuse sympathy with empathy, and also seem to think that because one human being can be sympathetic or empathetic to another that must mean they condone the behavior. Such a narrow view of things. Simply put, if a sexual deviant breaks into my house, with the intent to hurt my wife or child, in part because he was sexually abused and tortured his whole life.. then I will have sympathy for him while I put rounds through his brain. Defending oneself and family with lethal force, and not losing any sleep about it, does not mean one doesnÂ’t have sympathy or empathy, nor that one doesnÂ’t wish the world wasnÂ’t as violent as it isÂ… it simply means one is willing to defend themselves BECAUSE the world is violent.
I am making a guess that if your child used lethal force than you feel its ok based on this quote? So for you then if you child was being bullied than you would be ok if she shot and killed her bullies because they were taking her self respect, self confidence and self esteem there for justifys lethal force?
Here you go with these grossly fallacious arguments. The fact that you cannot seem to differentiate between a body slam, freestyle wrestling throw etc and shooting AND killing someone is really quite unsettling.
You expect your kids to stand up to bullies this gives me the impression expect meaning to me, if they don't then do this, you dont have high regard for them or are disappointed in them. It seem to me you are trying to teach your children self esteem but using the term "expect" which comes off as do and I love you don't and I think less of you really can hurt a child's self esteem.
Hmmmm you make some very strange leaps in your thought process. I expect my kids to treat others kindly, I expect my kids to be honest, I expect my kids to work hardÂ… so, if they donÂ’t do those things you think that means I donÂ’t love them? Did you just make that up? Being disappointed in poor behavior does not mean parent donÂ’t love their children. Yes, I expect my children to stick up for others who can not do it for themselves and yes, if they participated in bullying, indirectly or directly, I would be disappointed, just I like I would be if they stole something from the corner store. To try and assert that that equates to a lack of love is again, simply fallacious.