
One of the best Buffy moments was when Buffy foiled the trio (three nerds who used their talents for evil) for the first time head to head against them. They made the usual corny villian speech, then the leader blasted off with a jet pack.

Buffy: "Oh come on!"

Second guy tries to take off after making similar threats, shoots head first into an awning, and knocks himself out. Thrid guy is standing around complaining about not getting a jet pack....
Originally posted by Marginal
One of the best Buffy moments was when Buffy foiled the trio (three nerds who used their talents for evil) for the first time head to head against them. They made the usual corny villian speech, then the leader blasted off with a jet pack.

Buffy: "Oh come on!"

Second guy tries to take off after making similar threats, shoots head first into an awning, and knocks himself out. Thrid guy is standing around complaining about not getting a jet pack....

Are these the same three who made the invisible gun???

THose guys Rocked:rofl:
I loved Buffy to death when it was all about having fun with those moments of seriouseness like Buffy losing her "flower" and then Angel going mad......WICKED STORYLINE. But then it got all seriouse with Riley and so on and thats the real reason why I stopped watching. But your right I caught some of the episodes on Sky One and without Riley it is much better. Not sure whats going on with the whole Willow Lesbian thing though.......Musta miss that. :asian:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Are these the same three who made the invisible gun???

THose guys Rocked:rofl:
Yep. The blond guy's still a hoot. Gave a long speech on the empowerment women must feel once they realize they're capable of brining a life into the world last week. ;)

Generally it's upped up the humor angst ratio so it's closer to seasons 1-3 vs Riley and Glory era Buffy wich was pretty much all angst...
Originally posted by Marginal
Yep. The blond guy's still a hoot. Gave a long speech on the empowerment women must feel once they realize they're capable of brining a life into the world last week. ;)

Generally it's upped up the humor angst ratio so it's closer to seasons 1-3 vs Riley and Glory era Buffy wich was pretty much all angst...

Sounds good :D
Boy, this is an old thread :) suprised I found it...

anyways, in response, they did make "Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars". I found it very much of a let down. The series was so well made and original, and I was hoping for a bit more from the conclusion.

Anyways, me and my wife are huge fans :) I bit the bullet and got the entire series on DVD. We were just talking last night of going through the entire series again :) Such awesome writing...

We are also fans of Stargate. I just heard they are making a new series based on that. Stargate Universe!
I wasn't let down by The Peacekeeper Wars at all. If they didn't make it, we would have been left hanging. My only complaint was that I thought it was a little rushed. If they could have made it into a week long mini-series instead of the two day thing, it could have been better.
I wasn't let down by The Peacekeeper Wars at all. If they didn't make it, we would have been left hanging. My only complaint was that I thought it was a little rushed. If they could have made it into a week long mini-series instead of the two day thing, it could have been better.

That was one of my major complaints about it... the series was very relaxed, taking their time to let the plot develop and develop the characters. There was so much character depth, and PKW just did not have that feel at all...
I've been catching reruns on a couple of channels recently (WBU and WGN). In fact, it's on WBU at 1pm today if your cable carries it. It's a bit annoying though, when I found them, they were finishing up season 4. After the last episode, they jumped into the middle of season 2 for some strange reason.

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