Fall, tumble, tumble roll – well that turned out better than expected

Last summer, I was walking my dog and slipped on mud and fell backwards. I had zero time to think and next thing I knew, I was on the cement in a perfect breakfall position. I was SO surprised and pleased that all that practice paid off and the muscle memory kicked in, that I had to call up my sensei and tell him. :D

Robyn :D
On the other hand, last year somehow my senior student was doing a front roll while training with a mutual friend who is a high level tae kwon do instructor, and he has been shown how to roll and fall by me in Chinese arts forever, and he pushed off to roll and blew out his Achilles Tendon!! Doctor said it was a freak accident. On the other hand, because of the extensive one leg balance drills we do, for the first 3 months of rehab he would stand on one leg to transact business and do other things.....thanked me for teaching him how to stand up.

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