FICTION: Fights Only End When One Combatant Kills the Other
This myth I have found is most commonly spread by a certain breed of macho martial artist. You know, the kind that is obsessed with showing off how “deadly” he is. Every technique is either deadly or maiming, and “nothing else works in the street.” Anything that isn’t heavily destructive to the opponent is “useless” and “not worth your time to learn.” They would have you believe that the only way to end a fight is to brutally maim your opponent, kill him painfully, and disfigure the corpse.
FACT: We must determine the threat level and correspond accordingly. My belief it is the spirit of the opponent that must be defeated and that is when the fight ends; when the aggressor no longer has the will to continue to fight.
Killing your opponent efficiently and quickly is the goal of martial arts, how ere, as the training is meant to prepare a person for military lethal engagements. Maiming and dismembering in a civilian setting works just as well. But quite often it’s more than possible to neutralize a threat with non lethal means if you train regularly and for that outcome. This is where MMA training has an advantage over perfecting those kill or be killed traditional or modern combative techniques.
Most self defense situations do not have to escalate in fights to the death.
Far more likely you find yourself at a bar trying to control a drunk friend who’s gotten a bit wild or fending off someone pissed at the world who’s had a bit too much to drink and wants to start something.
End that confrontation by maiming or killing that poor SOB and be prepared for the high cost of defense lawyer and time at the county jail.
Ending a fight without killing or maiming your opponent is certainly much harder. It definitely takes more training and more skill to do so successfully and without putting yourself in undue danger. But possible, and for serious students in the modern age it’s definitely worth striving for versus investing time in perfecting obsolete alleged killing techniques.