Expanding the Martial Talk brand.

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Four years ago Bob Hubbard came to me and told me his concept for MT. He had tried it earlier and couldn’t populate it. I reinsured him that if he tried it a second time I could help him get it off the ground. Four years late MT has out grown the two of us.

Now it’s time for a new project. My goal, with the help of an excellent staff from MT are trying to duplicate the MT success for the Filipino Martial Arts community with www.FMATALK.com The goal of this MT spin off brand is to help bring the FMA community together in order to give it greater exposure. In its third week the stats are as follow:

Members: 87
Threads: 125
Posts: 426

FMAT has already surpassed many FMA forums that have been in existence for years. If FMAT is half as successful as MT has been it will help give our community the exposure that it deserves.

Unfortunately this project (along with the WMAA and HMA) has already taken much of my MT time. I will still be posting, but no where’s near as I have in the past. I hope to see some of you there. I want to thank everyone who has supported MT the last four years and I’m looking forward to extending its brand into uncharted territory. I’ll see you all later.

:cheers: :asian: