Here's a little back-story, to start: At one time, my TKD school made up over half of the Wisconsin TKD Union. Our students accounted for more than half of the tournament attendance, and a disproportionate number of wins. Over time, many members of the WSTU wanted to start making changes to the format, i.e. not scoring punches, no longer enforcing tremble shock, and allowing moves that looked more like Irish dancing instead of actual fighting. This lead to our school breaking off of from WSTU, which really cut down it's size.
Soon after this, a guy from our school broke off to form a tournament school. He's been doing this for several years, and has actually done very well in the Wisconsin AAU tourneys. Recently, he asked if he could come spar in our in-school tourney. He was allowed, and won the first two matches, only to be beaten by a student from my school in the last match. (Personally, I felt that he looked like an idiot. Alot of his stuff would have ended up getting him killed in a street-fight)
I later caught up with, and chatted with him for a bit. He said that he was out of training, since the "normal" tournament season was over in November. He said if he had kept up in training, he would have smoked our guy. (I didn't have the heart to tell him that the guy who beat him had been on a Mormon mission for the last 2 years, where you only get about 1 hour to train a week, if you're lucky.) He also told me that my instructor was his student, which is total BS, since my instructor went from white to black in 2 martial arts before he started at my school.
I was wondering, should I see him again, what might the best course of action be? Should I let him know that he was beaten by a guy severely out of training? Should I let him know that I'm aware he's a total BS cannon?
Soon after this, a guy from our school broke off to form a tournament school. He's been doing this for several years, and has actually done very well in the Wisconsin AAU tourneys. Recently, he asked if he could come spar in our in-school tourney. He was allowed, and won the first two matches, only to be beaten by a student from my school in the last match. (Personally, I felt that he looked like an idiot. Alot of his stuff would have ended up getting him killed in a street-fight)
I later caught up with, and chatted with him for a bit. He said that he was out of training, since the "normal" tournament season was over in November. He said if he had kept up in training, he would have smoked our guy. (I didn't have the heart to tell him that the guy who beat him had been on a Mormon mission for the last 2 years, where you only get about 1 hour to train a week, if you're lucky.) He also told me that my instructor was his student, which is total BS, since my instructor went from white to black in 2 martial arts before he started at my school.
I was wondering, should I see him again, what might the best course of action be? Should I let him know that he was beaten by a guy severely out of training? Should I let him know that I'm aware he's a total BS cannon?