MisterMike said:
There was nothing bigoted nor was it implied to be. We keep calling for the spread of democracy and the Iraqi people themselves are aleady a divided nation. But we plan to keep them whole, and then force democracy. I believe they would rather a theocracy.
You say there is nothing bigoted. Yet, you make another comment below that leads one to believe that you may not know that you are. Yet, as this is a written forum and I cannot see you smile or body language or know your intent, it makes it hard to determine. So, if you continue to either fan the flames of the fanatics as you put it, or being like your are, it does not matter as you are presenting yourself as a bigoted person. That is the impact of the situation. FYI
MisterMike said:
By evolve, I meant they would have to evolve their "brains" in a direction of our choosing. As someone mentioned 900 years ago they were the brainpool, well, it seems they decided to stay there as the rest of the world spread out and moved on. (So I was off a little on the time)
Hmmmm, So they have to think just like us? Yet, above you state that they are different and want a theocracy versus a democracy or republic as the case may be. As to staying, many people here in the USA want to stay where they are at or where their parents are at, and not grow either. Should force be used against them as well?
MisterMike said:
All I care about is that the previous regime is gone. When someone else steps up to power, and we evaluate that they mean harm to us again, we should crush them again. But this whole idea of nation-building, and instituting a democracy, (with a constitution they already disagree over) is ludicrous.
Yes, Power, threat, and 'WE' the USA gets to decide what is best. You contradict yourself here. You want to have the 'Power' to remove others, yet do not think then telling them how to do it better is the way to go. So, we should go crush China, and Korea others with France on the top of the list as the give away Nuclear power, which is a major threat? Where do we stop?
MisterMike said:
As for archie, well, he meant well before all that PC crap came along. There were certainly lessons to be learned from his mistakes as the show meant to do, but I used it to simply keep stirring up the responses from the fanatics.
Archie was a character to learn from. Everyone, who grew up watching him learned, even if they did not know it. Was it social programming? Maybe? As to the PC Crap, you may be correct in that it has gone pretty far know. Yet, it was the natural swing of the pendulum and society, that we have to get us here today. Make sense? What are target is to be in the middle. It will take the some adaptive controls or fuzzy logic or incremental repetitive steps with over shooting to get to the middle ground.
MisterMike said:
There are still primitives in the jungles of the Amazon and the Outback of Australia. Anyone who views this as offensive is a little too "sensthitive."
Yes there are primitives, and their culture, has some really cool aspects. they work 2 to 4 hours a day. They have some of the healthiest people, they have formulas and concoctions that cure things that modern science has problems with. Yet, they are primitive, for they do not have what you have.
Woudl someone with out a cell phone and PC or Laptop with internet coneection or high speed connection with IR capabilities be considered a primitive as they do not think like you and do not have the items or tools you have? I am asking to understand you.
As to the lisp, either you are being funny in your own mind? Trying to keep the fanatics fires burning as a button pusher, or you truly are a bigot. And as I stated above, you are presenting yourself as a bigot.