
Paul B

3rd Black Belt
MTS Alumni
How much emphasis does your instructor,or yourself, place on etiquette in class? I know a lot of Korean arts use the "O-Gae" or five tenets as a rule of thumb when teaching etiquette in class. How about you?
I've only been studying hapkido for a couple weeks. My instructor hasn't put much emphasis at all on etiquette in the class. But, it may be due to the fact that both of his students (very small class) already have a background in TKD. In fact, the other HKD student is a BB in TKD. So there hasn't been any chitter-chatter or goofing around and it's "yes sir" and "no sir" and we are both very eager to learn.
Our training environment has changed significantly from when I was a student. We urge good ettiquette from time to time and have talks with the students about the importance of good ettiquette in training.

Unfortunately, it seems that traditionalism is on its way out and there are now many, many people who will not learn those unteachable lessons that one realizes through the tenets of basic martial ettiquette.

Lessons in our dojang on the O Gae tend to be more personalized as opportunity arises and story-telling.
My instructors are somewhat laid back. However, there is no monkey business in the school. Also, they expect to be called sir or ma'am. As long as those are met they are pretty easy going. Respect is never an issue, we treat each other like the person we are working with is one belt higher than us.

Always considerate is the way to be. That is sort of our school philosophy.