EPAK video testing


Green Belt
I have a question about getting video training. Let me give a little of my background, and then I'll ask the question.

I began my martial arts training back in '96 with Sensei Jim Pitts. He is a 5th Dan TKD, and 3rd Dan Kenpo. His kenpo training was with Dennis Tosten. He taught Chinese Kenpo. He said it was Ed Parker's system, and when I asked him about it, he said that it was not Tracy's style. However, much of the curriculum is very similar to what I have seen on Tracy's sites. The techniques used are mostly Tracy's names. But, we also used a few of the old katas, such as Mass Attacks, the Book Set, and Tiger and Crane set. The research that I have done has led me to believe that perhaps he taught a curriculum that SGM Parker may have used a long time ago, and it may also have some aspects of the Tracy's system in it. Perhaps someone here can give me more info about that.

Anyway, I progressed to 2nd Brown under Sensei Pitts. He was an excellent instructor, and I feel like I learned a lot from him. Then I moved away to college, and was not able to train with him. I joined a club who asked me to help teach a few children's classes in YMCAs around town. I studied their curriculum, and earned a black belt in American Karate (it's more of an eclectic curriculum than a separate style).

Shortly after I earned my black belt, the club closed its doors for financial reasons.

Currently, I have begun training in a TKD dojang near my home. The curriculum concentrates more on the sport aspect, which is fine with me, I'd like to be familiar with that aspect as well. In Kenpo, we concentrated almost totally on self-defense application.

I still concentrate on my kenpo studies, and am trying to keep all my knowledge in that art. I do have a couple private students that I am training as well.

Now, my question. I am interested in studying the more recent EPAK. I don't feel that it would be difficult at all for me to learn as many of the techniques and forms will be very similar to what I already know. But, there are no EPAK dojos anywhere close to where I live. Does anyone know of any reputable instructor that offers video training and testing? I would like to earn rank in a way that would be recognized as legitimate by other EPAK practitioners.

Anyone have any comments or ideas for me??

thanks for the help,

I was just looking at a website about video testing today (Mr. Sullivan). I was thinking that the biggest problem was that I can practice my techniques in my room till I have them perfectly, but the first time I actually have a human in front of me it is totally different and how I envisioned the technique doesn't equate with reality.
Of course, if you already have a black belt then you have interacted with actual opponents so it is not so much of a problem. But for someone to start with video training/testing is leaving them with a house of cards.
Right, I don't think it's a real good idea for a beginner. But, I feel like i have a grasp on how the body reacts to strikes. I also have private students that will allow me to practice on them!! I don't charge them for my instruction...just make them my practice dummies!!

The IKCA syllabus is going to require a partner for parts of the test. At least someone who will dummy for you. A study partner is preferable, someone to work the techniques back and forth with you. The IKCA, however, is not like the current EPAK types of syllabi. They took the system back to basic root type of techniques and you do recombination and reorganization to create the myriad possibilities that are available.

Sorry ... No, I am not an advert for IKCA, but I have the privilege of being a friend of Vic's and have spoken to Chuck on a couple of occasions. In actual fact, I am a Tracy Stylist. I have also seen several of their test videos that have been returned to the the students wth pass/fail commentary, and they are as thorough, if not more so, in some instances than some live testing I have attended.

There are a number of factors as to why this method works with the IKCA format. I am not going to go into them here, as it will get lengthy. I will say that you could do much worse than the IKCA group ... Especially if there are no EPAK groups available for this type of testing.

The only one I know of for certain, is Chief Roman's stuff. He sends you your certificates all signed, and dated for you to display as you pass the tests. The tests do not even need to be sent to him for grading. He trusts you to simply put on the rank when you earn it in your mind, I guess. I have not seen the material, and so, can not comment.

chuck sullivan and vi leroux's karate connection videos are great for anyone wanting to progress. although im not apart of them. (im under larry tatum) i do have students of my own that i train with video but its nothing great and i try to make it real by traveling totheir state to test them. i only do this because they were students of mine and moved away and still for some reason wanna train under me. any way,there are good videos out there,it just takes finding the best one...shawn monday, kansas city