EPAK ebay item

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GD, what makes you think I have ANY bad habits??? Ha Ha as if you didn't know that those tapes are strictly for their entertainment value! It is when I keep an instructor strictly for the entertainment value that those nasty bad habits gonna start creepin' in!!!! :D
And so you should be GD! I am afraid that you have no idea of what you are in for! LMAO!! :boing2:
Originally posted by Kirk

Have you received them yet?

No Kirk, I live in Canada. If you live in the US, you likely have little idea how long it can take mail to travel a few hundred miles by the most round-about route possible. LOL!! I was, in my characteristic Canuck manner, visualizing those tapes making it from Hawaii to Canada in, oh, 2 days, then once in Canada Post's hands, being sent by truck thousands of miles to Ottawa (our Nation's Capitol) for sorting, then trucked all the way back, sorted again in Vancouver, then placed on the swiftest dugout delivery canoe for transport over to the Island here, to be sorted again. Then it must journey up coast to my area, a three hour drive for me, but at least a week for Canada Post. After that some Canada Post Employee must write out (by hand, of course) a delivery notice, which will take a week to get into our lock box down the road, to tell me to haul myself over to the post office to pick it up. LOL Assuming my hubby remembers to go and pick up the mail LMAO! Estimated delivery time? Anything less than 6 weeks would really be "Speedy Delivery Service." I promise to post when they arrive, and will, of course, be sure to include my (humble) opinion as to their quality and value as a training tool (not that I will pay one bit of attention to anything they teach GD, as I will listen only to my own instructor, always!!) but don't hold your breath folks.
After all, I AM CANADIAN!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

If I can tame the Wild and Wolly Kenpo-Girll you will be no Prob!



:eek: HEY!!! Who said you tamed me??? :mad:

I just realized that you couldn't handle me as I was so I tamed myself down, so you wouldn't feel ...... inferior! :rofl:
Besides Dot, if we were easy to tame, his Eminence would have far less of a challenge, and FAR less fun! Just let him think we are blindly following along and we will see if it keeps him happy. And remember the story of......

The Emperor Who Had No Clothes

while you are training.... That will surely bring a smile to your face and lift your spirits!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :asian:
I took so long to respond.

I only just stopped laughing. :D :rofl:
:eek: Well I thought it was funny, at the time. :idunno:

Me and my big mouth. :( :wah: :waah: :anic: :vu:

Mr. Conatser sir, did I mention what a wonderful person you are and superior superduper instructor you are? :kiss:
And I, of course, would like to second that emotion, Your Lordship sir! As the most Eminent Instructor on the planet today, we are completely not worthy of your Imperial Attentions! We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We prostrate ourselves before you!!! Now Dot just try to keep a straight face while doing THIS! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:eek: Sorry Tune, There was NO WAY I was going to respond to that one, because I knew that you left yourself WIDE open for the inevitable responce from sir emperor for a comment like that.

You'll learn as you get to know him better.

Oh gracious me! Dare I get to know him better???? I'll just likely laff myself into spasms, Dot! He already totally cracks me up! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: