Corporal Hicks said:
Well there is a new problem that has arisen from my meditation or attempts at is that is. I cant seem to silence my mind, my mind just talks in the back of my head, and even though I try and watch it, its as though it comes from the back door of me watching, if you get what I'm trying to say.
First, what works for me may not and most likely will not work for you, but if it helps then good, but remember you should not walk my own path, you should walk your own, so adjust as you feel best.
Also note that if it were easy, you would not appreciate the end result.
When I try to do the empty mind approach, I try to concentrate on my heart and breathing, I try to slow it down and control its rate, and breath slowly, and control the amount of paue inbetween the inhale hold, exhale, hold, ..., .
Corporal Hicks said:
I.e. I'm watching the thoughts as they come by, but then I get something behind that telling that I'm watching the thoughts, and that just gets me confused. Can you understand that?
Yes, are you conscious of the fact that your unconcious is conscious of you. Read some Neitzsche, and other existentialists.
Corporal Hicks said:
What can I do? Just recognise its there, dont get wound up about it and continue?
Yes. Recognise it. Yes acknowledge it, and continue.
Now you can try to think about certain things at your control, that will help you relax, such as a moving pattern with your inner "minds' eye", or what you saw through the day. Try to recall the whole day from start to beginning, and see what you can and cannot remember. After a while of guiding your mind, you might be able to guide it into the quiet zone you are looking for.
What are you looking to get out of Meditation?
Corporal Hicks said:
Though even If I try to do that, its still there, its telling me that ignoring it isnt going to help and neither will accepting.
What should I do?
Move on. Be aware of it, and also do not let it be the only thing you see. Sometimes by trying to see nothing, you see everything, so why not try to see everything, and maybe you might find nothing.
I have found that if I reflect upon the issue bothering me, then once I have thought and or addressed them they no longer float around in my head, and I can move on.
It may not help, but it may.