Emin Boztepe

.... it was obviously chopped up to promote Leung Ting's WT system over TWC. Emin even admitted that it was Leung Ting and Kernspect that put him up to it.

Well, I did see the original VHS and IMO Emin still dominated throughout. Although, you are absolutely right about it all being a set-up and about who was behind it. Anyway, it was a long time ago, I'm no longer connected to any of the parties involved and I, for one, don't really care anymore. Sooo....moving on....

As to whether he did Turkish wrestling or not, either way, when I first met Emin in the 80s, I didn't get the impression that groundwork was his forte. I vaguely remember that he kept after me to be more aggressive and serious in training with him (I was pretty intimidated). But I tried. Once, when he swept me and followed me to the floor (God, he had strong legs!) I did a reversal and got his back ... at least for an instant. A good grappler wouldn't have allowed that. Didn't matter though, because he recovered in a flash and punished me for testing him.

That's the way it was. Not aggressive, you took a beating. Aggressive, and you took a worse beating. Fighters love training like that. Me ...I've come to accept that I'm more of a hobbyist.

My WT si-dei who was briefly Emin's roommate back in the early 90s (when he and the Gracies were making noise) said that Emin worked really hard to improve his grappling skills at that time, training with an old friend and champion wrestler named Rezah or something. So I think the improvement in groundwork came from that time, after the Cheung episode.
My WT si-dei who was briefly Emin's roommate back in the early 90s (when he and the Gracies were making noise) said that Emin worked really hard to improve his grappling skills at that time, training with an old friend and champion wrestler named Rezah or something. So I think the improvement in groundwork came from that time, after the Cheung episode.

The Guy's Name is Reza Nasri, He fought in UFC 11 and lost very badly to Brian Johnston. here is the clip
Can somebody tell me if the MMA fighter are tested for steroids? I guess not. Johnston has a pretty insane look in his eyes. And these traps and shoulders holy moly.
The Guy's Name is Reza Nasri, He fought in UFC 11 and lost ...

Yeah, that's the guy, and it looks like that was his only attempt to cross over from greco-roman wrestling to MMA. Not so successful, I'd say. Still he could have been very good within his sport of Greco Roman, but I couldn't verify that either way.

I couldn't find his name on the lists of any major international greco roman championships, but it is possible he is listed under a different name (I know a couple of Iranians in the United States who go by different names than they went by in Iran), or that he was some kind of national champion that never made it to the next (international) level. He does have some some self-defense tapes based on greco-roman wrestling on Youtube.
Can somebody tell me if the MMA fighter are tested for steroids? I guess not. Johnston has a pretty insane look in his eyes. And these traps and shoulders holy moly.

...and the ring girls. Are they tested for silicon? Holy Moly! :D
Can somebody tell me if the MMA fighter are tested for steroids? I guess not. Johnston has a pretty insane look in his eyes. And these traps and shoulders holy moly.
Yes they are, and athletes getting busted for banned substances is pretty common.

Even so, it's probable that a lot more competitors use PEDs than are actually caught.
They probably use designer steroids, too, which can't be tested. Or they simply get off the juice
before the competition. They'd have to do random tests at any time in order to catch them.

I don't watch MMA but this clip is already repelling to me. It's so raw and brutal. I think
in order to even fight like this you have to dehumanize yourself in some way in order to be able
relentlessly hit someone like a lunatic. To me this looks more like a fight between animals.

No offense against people who do MMA but I don't think that watching this is good for people.
Imagine teenagers watch this. They could become desensitized to such a kind of violence.
They probably use designer steroids, too, which can't be tested. Or they simply get off the juice
before the competition. They'd have to do random tests at any time in order to catch them.

I don't watch MMA but this clip is already repelling to me. It's so raw and brutal. I think
in order to even fight like this you have to dehumanize yourself in some way in order to be able
relentlessly hit someone like a lunatic. To me this looks more like a fight between animals.

No offense against people who do MMA but I don't think that watching this is good for people.
Imagine teenagers watch this. They could become desensitized to such a kind of violence.

It's a blood sport. It's bound to attract shitty overly-aggressive people who like violence.
It's a blood sport. It's bound to attract shitty overly-aggressive people who like violence.

I agree.
In my opinion people who are already more like animals and totally uncivilized who watch this stuff will only become more
raw and aggressive.

I mean a normal person with a conscience would not hit or kick a person on the ground. When I see real life videos where people
kick somebody on the ground it always shocks me. How can somebody become so vile? To me somebody who does this isn't
human anymore. I have seen a short video it must have been shot in asia or something. There's an old lady lying on the ground
probably cause she was attacked. She raises her head and a young person kicks her right in the face making her head bounce
back. Maybe she died from this or suffered serious neck injury.
This is really a sick world. Just today I read a news report where a young person was beaten to death on the street by strangers
which approached him and then hit him without warning! This is so sick and disturbing. It really makes you afraid to go to public

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