Brings back memories of my home town SF.. early 70s..
"Wong Jack Man with Michael Dorgan, San Francisco Chinatown 2017"
A good friend of mine's teacher was WJM...
my friend an exponent of Tai mantis
There were only two martial arts teachers who were members of a tong. One was Wong Tim Yuen, a.k.a. T.Y. Wong, of the “Sturdy Citizen's Club". He was a member of The Hop Sing Tong and taught a southern style of kung fu.
Another friend, studied under T.Y. Wong,
Visited his gym a couple of times in Chinatown.
Many CMA teachers within the Chinese community had ties to the Tongs;
some direct, others indirect. Unavoidable back in the day.
In another thread
"Kung Fu Wang" mentioned Challenge matches
The best way to deal with an unfriendly challenger is to hurt him so bad that will scare away any future challengers. Most people will train a set of "black hands" to deal with unfriendly challengers.
Some quite famous outlined in the OP's linked article .
"Wong Jack Man vs Bruce Lee"
Others not so famous.
No internet. back then...
If some one mentioned something negative about a teacher or gym within the CMA community publicly,

in the same area, chances were good they'ed get a knock on the door..
Interesting times back in the day